Saturday, December 18, 2010

Entering Day 6 of Operation Week

Had a great day today! Here are some of my highlights!

1 - Never had a shave look sooo good!
2 - Never had a shower feel so good! (And was tired after it!)
3 - Had a visit from my visiting nurse - with our insurance we get 5 free visits)
4 - Food is finally tasting good again.
5 - And hung up all my get well cards & as I said in an earlier blog, we as educators are RICH in people. We a re blessed to have met so many great people along the way(along with a few stinkers)

One of the big elements today was getting my meds figured out - again I'm taking ten now & hope to be off a few as the weeks go by. The pain is not too bad, just when I sneeze or cough. Where they took the veins is not very sore. An the "zipper" does not look too bad.

Tomorrow I will try to discuss the next two week schedule!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Finally Home!!!!!

Finally home in my own bed!! I must say that the care I received at Lancaster General was super - no complaints. But, I feel more relaxed already just being home and looking forward to a good night's rest in my own bed. I'll post more details tomorrow. For now, Good Night!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Last Night in the Hospital?

This should be it. Last night at Lancaster General and home to sleep! Biggest concern will be keeping the grand-dogs happy! The Yorkie-Shitzu should be fine, the the 65 lb bull dog will need to be gentle!

We are planning on using visiting nurses for a few weeks. It will allow me not to go out in the weather - they will be doing blood work, checking my incisions and just making sure I am behaving!

Another weird feeling that I have experienced is having issues sleeping. Between the meds & hospital beds I find myself waking and feeling claustrophobic. The room I am in now is smaller than the ICU rooms & when the door is closed I feel boxed in. My wonderful wife, Sue, is staying the night & giving me support. This is what a man needs, a wife that can be there in good & bad times!

Also, removing the wires & tubes has been exciting! The nurses & doctor assistants have been very slick & removing all the wires has been easier than I thought. I have two more for Friday, and I think I counted 12 total!

I was visited by my bosses at Hempfield - Mike & Doug. The neat things are I was lucky enough to see these two young men grow up and help make Hempfield a leader in educational technology. In middle school Mike spent a lot of time with me in Landisville Middle School computer lab and directed all the technology talent for our schools. And Doug, I first met when his family would travel to the Mountville Pool to enjoy hot summer days!

Today I had more buddies stop in Al Rineer & Marsh Anderson from church(Marsh gave me communion!) Dick Deibert who I have spent many great years and Centerville Middle Shoal (and hunting & running the Landisville Pool!) Jack Snyder at church, who always makes me smile! And a track & field buddy, Terry Shuman, that I had the privilege to share coaching time & stories. As I have pointed out in previous posts, this job continues to bless me!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day #3 - I'm Back!

Sue did a great job as my substitute Blogger. Quick review - Monday was surgery day and not much that I remember about anything that day! I did run into people that I knew which helped me feel more relaxed. And, those people were looking after me! At the end of the day, I was in la la land; didn't get much sleep. Tuesday I awoke in ICU with a million wires and people hovering over me and lots of beeps! I felt like I was in some Star Wars movie! The day went fast and I was able to cat nap. I didn't have much pain or discomfort - lots of drugs! Today is Wednesday, Day 3, and I am now out of ICU and in a regular room. I was up walking several times and was brought regular food, but I was very tired all day and didn't have much energy for the walking or the eating. I am taking several different meds - the ones I took before surgery and new ones - percocet for pain, something for digestion, magnesium for electrolytes.

Looking forward to Day 4 tomorrow! One day closer to going home!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 2 After Surgery

Hi! This is Sue again. I think by tomorrow evening, Jim will be able to write his own blog entry!! He is doing amazingly well. Today, they took out all tubes but his IV and the drain tube in his chest. He sat in a chair and even walked around with a walker. Tomorrow he will be moved out of ICU as soon as there is a bed available. He will be ready for visitors by tomorrow evening! Not sure what room, but most likely on the 5th floor-east. (Could change.)

Again, thanks for all the many prayers! They are so appreciated! We have such great friends!

Monday, December 13, 2010

End of a Long Day

This is Sue again! Jim did exceptionally well today. Dr. Burlingame was very pleased with Jim's progress in such a short period of time. When I left the hospital at 7PM, they had already taken out the breathing tube and Jim was semi-with it! You know - la la land!! He will be in ICU through tomorrow, so if anyone was thinking of visiting, you should wait until Wednesday. Again, thanks to all for the many prayers - we could feel them all day!

I'm heading to bed - been up since 4AM! Looking forward to tomorrow. I'll keep you posted! Jim's goal was to be back to posting this blog himself by Wednesday and I bet he will do it!
Okay, this is Sue giving you the update on Jim's surgery!!! His surgery went very well and was completed around 12 noon. Dr. Burlingame did 5 by-passes instead of 3. He decided that two of the by-passes would be better served by 2 additional by-passes. Jim is doing very well and I will get to see him in about an hour. I will update this blog later today with more details. Thank you to all who have had us in your prayers. We can certainly feel it!

4:15 AM & Leaving for Hospital

This is a quick last entry before leaving for hospital. Need to be there by 5:15 AM! Did all my prep this morning - showered with special soap, Hibiclens, & using the special nasal jell, Bactroban. I think the early trip is great because we are half asleep & they will have an easy time getting me back asleep for the operation!

Sue will be entering information for the next few days till I'm ready & able!

Again, thanks to all!!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday Evening Before Surgery

Had a relaxing day watching football with my brother Jon. Had a few visitors - from the Hempfield Track Team - I received a great "homemade" get well card! GO HEMPFIELD POLE VAULT!!!! Had a great call from our big track rival! Coach Frederick, has had many battles with us through the years & his call was a special motivator! And Coach Rogers, our head coach from Hempfield called to offer more Hempfield Track support! Sue, my tech buddy at Hempfield, drop off a parking pass for my wife from the tech crew at school! Great friends, great family & many calls, visits & emails!

The support is truly inspirational!

My wife has been awesome & very supportive throughout the entire build up to the surgery! I made one of my best decisions over 35 years ago! She has always been by my side & been an INCREDIBLE wife! And my boys, Jared & Josh, are doing what makes Dads smile, becoming great young men to help through the good & bad times!

So, here we go - surgery day is here - FINALLY. Thanks to all for the support & I will try to do my best to make the Post-Op stage as successful as the Pre-Op Stage!

My three focus areas are ready to go!

1 - The physical side - I did not do anything stupid the past 24 days! And started a Heart Healthy Diet!

2 - The mental side - again with family, friends, & medical support, I have tried to stay positive & do what I needed to do for the surgery.

3 - And the spiritual side - with all the prayers I feel, from church(a great prayer shawl), family & friends & daily devotions - I feel a calmness that makes Monday much easier! My visual is God's & the surgeons hands working together!