Saturday, March 12, 2011

More Blood Test Results - Basci Metabolic Panel

As promised this is day #3 of my Blood Tests. Here we go:
A comprehensive metabolic panel is a blood test that measures your sugar (glucose) level, electrolyte and fluid balance, kidney function, and liver function. Got the information from an article: Comprehensive Metabolic Panel at WebMD.

As I did yesterday, the RED numbers will be my numbers and the GREEN will be the suggested range.

Test(What it is) - My Results - Suggested Range

GLUCOSE - 96 - (65-99) mg/dL
Urea Nitrogen (BUN) - 17 - (7-25) mg/dL
Creatinine - 0.90 - (0.76-1.46) mg/dL
eGFR Non-Afr. American - >60 - (>or=60) mL/min/1.73m2
SODIUM - 140 - (135-146) mmol/L
POTASSIUM - 4.4 - (3.5-5.3) mmol/L
CHLORIDE - 102 - (98-110) mmol/L
CARBON DIOXIDE - 28 - (21-33) mmol/L
CALCIUM - 9.4 - (8.6-10.2) mg/dL

All tests seem to fall within the expected range.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Cardiac Rehab Going Well

Today I finished my second day back at rehab. I kept the heart rate below 110 and did not have any major issues. During the one hour workout I had a few PVC's (one extra beat), but no bigeminy or runs of PVC's! That is good! Next week I will try to be in the 100-115 heart rate range.

Yesterday I posted my Lipid Panel from my blood test. Today I will post the CBC. I am not very familiar with these numbers. The Lipid Panel, with the focus on cholesterol, is something that I have been aware of for the past few years. The CBC tests are something new!

A great web site to explain the CBC Testing is at Medicine
Another site I found at Lab Tests Online.

This web site will tell you what each test is and what the abbreviations mean.
As I did yesterday, the RED numbers will be my numbers and the GREEN will be the suggested range.

Test(What it is) - My Results - Suggested Range
WBC(White blood cell count) - 8.2 - (4.6-10.2 KuL)
RBCRed blood cell count) - 4.77 - (4.60-6.10 M/uL)
HGB(Hemoglobin) - 14.4 - (14.0-18.1 g/dL)
HCT(Hematocrit) - 43.0 - (42.0 - 53.7%)
MCV(Mean Corpuscular Volume) - 90 - (80-97 fl)
MCH(Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin) - 30.2 - (27.0-32.5 mmg)
MCHC(Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration) - 33.4 - (31.8-35.4 g/dL)
RDW(Red Cell distribution width) - 13.5 - (9.0-15.0%)
PLT(Platelet Count) - 297 - (140-440 K/uL)
GRAN%(Granulocytes) - 82 - (37-80%) H
GRAN#(Granulocytes) - 6.7 - (2.0-6.9 K/uL)
LYMPH%(Lymphocytes) - 14 - (10-50%)
LYMPH#(Lymphocytes) - 1.1 - (0.6-3.4 K/uL)
MONO% - 4 - (2-10%)
MONO# - 0.3 - (0.1-0.6 K/uL)

The only one that I saw was elevated was the GRAN% test, that was out of the range. In my research I found:
An elevated level of granulocytes is indicative of an underlying bacterial infection.
Need to ask the doctor about this one!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Posting Blood Test Results

When it comes to your health, results of all your tests can be overwhelming! The Blood Test, with all the numbers is probably on top of the list. This is the first time that I asked the testing facility to send results to me.(Because my little sis, the nurse said I should-nagged relentlessly!)

Since there are so many numbers I will post the results over the next few days. The first results were the Lipid Panel. The numbers will be the Abbreviation, my result & range for males.

Test - My Results - Range for Males
CHOL 126 ( 125-200 mg/dL)
TRIG 89 (30-125mg/dL)
VLDL-Calc 17.8 (8.0-32.0 mg/dL)
LDL-C 73 (0-130mg/dL)
dHDL 35.00 ( 32.00-60.00 mg/dL)
CRF 3.60 (2.00-5.00 chol/hdl)
non-HDL Chol (calc) 91.00 ( 0.00-130.00)

First, my total CHOL was 126! That is my lowest I ever had! The 40 mg of Lipitor & new diet should be helping! I am reading all labels & zoom in on the cholesterol part of the label!

The TRIG (tryglycerides are within the suggested range, but a little on the high side. Found a good definition & details at WebMD & Tryglycerides.
Found a couple key facts:
1 - Triglycerides are fat in the blood - high triglycerides level can increase the risk of heart disease.
2 - Triglycerides are the main form of fat in the body. When you think of fat developing and being stored in your hips or belly(mine is belly, hips are perfect)
3 - Any extra food we eat that's not used for activity right away -- carbohydrates, fat, or protein -- is also chemically converted into triglycerides.(I'm sure exercise will help this)

The LDL-C is the BAD cholesterol! At 73, this again is the lowest that I have been! Again the range indicates I'm doing OK! This is a number I will focus on the next few years.

The dHDL is the John Wayne of cholesterol! THE GOOD GUY! My reading of 35 again falls with the range suggested of 32-60! This is the one I would like to focus on this next year. Again, exercise should be one of the leading factors to success.

The other numbers I will need to research and try to decipher!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Back in Cardiac Rehab for Third Time!

Here we go again! My third start for Cardiac Rehab!!! I was a good boy today, I kept my heart rate below 100 and sailed through! Started with 14 minutes on the treadmill, 5 minutes on the upper body machine, 10 minutes on the stationary bike & arm machine, lifted some weights and finished on the bike! One hour, no bad looks from the cardiac nurses, and finished my 16th session! The goal is to complete 32-36 sessions.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cardiologist Visit - Good News

Today was my visit with the Heart Group doctor that specializes in the electrical heart issues. Dr. Worley answered all my questions and the result was I am allowed back into Cardiac Rehab. Here were the questions and answers:

1 - Is the increase in Metoprolol working? Yes, the fact that in my last stress test that I had my pulse rate up to 130, before I had a run of 4 in a row shows progress.

2 - When can I return to Cardiac Rehab? - Tomorrow - Wednesday.

3 - How does my blood test look? Good! Some of the readings were:
Total Cholesterol - 126, Triglycerides - 89, LDL - 73, HDL - 35
Potassium - 4.4, Sodium - 140
And all kinds of other numbers that I need to understand!!!!

4 - When can I return to work? After 3-4 weeks of Cardiac Rehab

5 - What is my risk? - Because of my heart strength, age, & heart condition I should have no danger in any normal activities. Just try to listen to my heart!

6 - What is the story on a supplement called CoQ10 - should I take it for my heart? - No, not enough medical studies & journals have seen any need for it.

So, I felt very good coming out of the meeting and will be anxious to start rehab again!

Monday, March 7, 2011

12 Weeks After Surgery - Drinking Water and Heart Attacks?

Just another article to think about and some of it does make sense. The article: "Heart Attacks and Drinking Water"(remember just click on this to see it), gives several reasons why this may be true:

1 - The Japanese & Chinese drink hot tea with their meals (I do like my ice water in the summer, of course a cold be is out!)
The article says the colder water will solidify the oily stuff, and that is not good.

2- says this is an "urban myth" (If you have not visited this site, you should! It does point out all the crazy things flying around the internet!)
Check out some of the Home Cures at

There are many remedies for heart disease, cancer, etc, that you need to check with a physician. I have already been between my cardiologist & family doctor on medication questions! Research as much as you can and always get a second or third opinion!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Safe to Resume After Bypass Surgery?

I found this website interesting for expectations after bypass surgery. Of course, I'm still battling the PVC's, so I will take this list with me on Tuesday to see how PVC's change the outlook for what I should be able to do in the next few weeks.

The information is at

Safe to Resume at Two Months
    *Riding a lawn mower
    *Driving a tractor
    *Carrying wet laundry in a basket
    *Riding an outdoor bicycle
    *Downhill skiing

Safe to Resume at Three Months

*Hunting (bow/gun)
*Rowing a boat/canoeing
*Starting motors with pull cord
*Chopping wood
*Playing tennis
*Participating in competitive sports

As of Monday, March 7, I will be entering the 12th week after surgery. Therefore, I should be entering the second list of activities.