Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday, Good Healing, & Good Faith!

As I mentioned earlier in my experience, faith has made this entire process possible for me.  The Easter story is one that many of us can relate to, especially in troubling times.  There was denial!  For two months, I ignored the signs and tried to fix it myself.  In the Easter story, there is denial. 

Matthew 26:69–75 (NKJV)
69 Now Peter sat outside in the courtyard. And a servant girl came to him, saying, “You also were with Jesus of Galilee.”
70 But he denied it before them all, saying, “I do not know what you are saying.” ... 

Fortunately for me, I got passed the stage of my "heart" denial & looked for help!  Talked to my wife Sue & of course the first thing she did was make a doctor's appointment.  Listened to my doctor & followed the path to repairing my heart!

Starting with Good Friday, it is time to get passed denial in our hearts, and not just the medical part of of our lives, but the spiritual part of our lives!

Have a "focused" GOOD FRIDAY!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

At Times I Forget?

At times I forget I had open heart surgery!

When I sleep.  Before heart surgery there was the anticipation.  Before the doctors visit November 16th, I knew something was wrong.  When I new I needed surgery, it was hard to sleep some nights,  After surgery, it was like sleeping with glass, I didn't want to break anything!  And the meds, at first they made it difficult to sleep!  But four months later, working and coaching, I AM SLEEPING WELL!

When I move & lift & for the first time mowing the grass, I sometimes forget I had open heart surgery.  The breast plate is healing and I feel stronger.  I am almost ready to start regular pushups!  And Monday I go golfing for the first time since surgery!

I try not to forget that eating is important!  As I mentioned in an earlier blog, my busy schedule makes it difficult to eat at the same time & to have the time to prepare!  I really need to focus the next two months till the end of school!  Breakfast is OK, lunch at times is difficult, and by supper, Sue and I are usually both very tired after a long day!  NEED TO PLAN!

My meds I take seem to be handled well by my body.  I feel tired because of some of the meds & m schedule, but I seem to be OK with the routine.  The Metoprolol, for my PVC's I think does kick my butt, but hopefully with improve my heart beat issues!

All in all, I feel I am making progress!