Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Five Months and Counting

Five months out from surgery and things are close to normal. (whatever normal is)  I'm still one month out from my next doctor visits, but here are my observations.

Heart Meds:
1 - 81 mg aspirin daily
1 - 40 mg tablet of lipitor daily
1 - 5 mg tablet of Amlodipine daily
1 - 75 mg tablet of Plavix daily
1 - 100 mg tablet of Metoprolol daily
Other Meds
1 - 20 mg tablet of Aciphex
1 - 10 mg tablet of Singulair

Meds have not changed for some time (4-6 weeks)  I seem to have not side effects, the only one could be the feeling of being tired, but that could be because I am in my heavy school & coaching schedule!  I could easily fall asleep around 3 PM after school, but coaching 3 more hours keeps me going!

I'm still being fairly discipline.  Constant breakfast & dinner.  Eating good stuff, oatmeal, cheerioes, & OJ for breakfast,  using an apple & tuna sandwich for lunch, & plenty of fish & chicken & veggies for dinner.  Have stayed away from junk - chocolate bars (oh, but I do miss my Reeses Peanut Butter Cups), tastycakes (any kind) and an occasional cookie (lot's of them in the old days!)

This has been the difficult one now that I'm back at school and coaching!  But, the dogs & I are taking laps, cutting grass, using the chain saw and doing yard work! (With all the rain this spring the grass is going crazy!)

I think when retirement hits this will be better and I can schedule myself.  When the school year is over I hope to come up with a better exercise & diet routine for the summer!  And school has not been too bad.  I am lucky to have great people to work with and they are not making the old guy jump through a lot of hoops. (Good because I lost my vertical jump a few years back!)

Notice I did not mention my PVC issues.  I'm basically trying to ignore them to my best ability.  If I pace myself, I seem to be able to do almost anything I want.  I will tackle the PVC's in June!

I did notice the other day, that my right leg does fall asleep real fast when I have my legs crossed.  I feel asleep on the sofa & went to get up.  I new my leg was asleep, but still tried to stand.  I promptly feel on the family room floor!  I never had my legs to that before!  I guess with the missing vein I need to stand up a little slower!  I'm glad Sue wasn't there, she my have thought I was hitting the bottle!