Saturday, June 4, 2011

How Does the Sternum Feel After Open Heart Surgery?

There are many questions people have about Open Heart Surgery.  One of the biggest questions is getting in there to do the work - that means opening the chest!  Wooo!  And of course, the most important part is closing it up & healing! 

In 9 days I will be 6 months out from my surgery December 13th.  Almost everything that I have read says the bone should be healed in about 6-8 weeks.  As far as healing, I think my sternum seems solid - I have played golf, used a chainsaw, pushed my lawn mower, shoveled in the garden, and even done regular push-ups!

There are times I do feel pain around the incision.  It usually happens after a workout.  I still have numbness around the incision.  At times, if I grab something using a bad angle - like shutting a sliding glass door - I feel pain.  The first time golfing, I took one big divot - Pain!

I still need to watch my total weight that I lift and the angles that I lift, push or pull objects.

The steel wire, Sternal Closing Wire, will at times "tweak" areas where it was used.  Take a look st the Sternal Wire Website by clicking this link.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Running After Open Heart Bypass Surgery

I have been researching articles about running after open heart bypass surgery.  I found a lot of stories of success!  One article discussed how to strat back to running.  Here was their suggestions:

I've seen some get back to running in 6-8 months, while others needed a little longer.  Once you graduate from cardiac rehab (and get the go ahead from your doctor) and are able to walk comfortably for 45-60 minutes, you'll be at the point where you can incorporate running into your program again.  Start slowly with mostly walking and sprinkle in a little bit of running.  For example, warm up walking 5 minutes, then run for 30-60 seconds, followed by walking for 3-4 minutes (or until you catch your breath).  Repeat this for 20 minutes and cool down with 5 minutes of walking.  Repeat this workout three times per week on alternate days for at least 2-3 weeks.  Then, if things go well progress to 25-30 minutes.  Continue to progress as your body allows first by building up to walking a lot and running a little for 30 minutes and then, increasing the number of running minutes.

Well, I'm almost at the 6 month time period.  I will wait till after my check-up on June 20th and the discussion on my PVC issues.  Here are the key points that I think I will try:

1 - first walk comfortably for 45-60 minutes.

2 - sprinkle in a little running (30-60) seconds

3 - slowly increase the running minutes

Sounds like a plan! 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

24 Weeks and Counting!

Back to work, coaching, getting ready for retirement - these are the things that make keeping a blog very difficult!  I think I will try to continue with 2-3 posts per week & when retirement starts, I will focus more on recovery & what the next 6 months will be like!


1 - Today I noticed that as I closed the sliding glass door to the deck, the incision still is painful.  The awkward position of closing the door with one arm, still "pulled" on the incision.  I still need to do some things with two hands and be mindful of the angle that my arms are lifting, pushing & pulling.

2 - The meds seem to be having no real side effects.  I am tired at time & sleep well.  The Metoprolol that I am taking to lower my blood pressure is making me tired, but not to the point that I am falling asleep during the day.

3 - I still feel issues walking at a brisk rate & walking up hills.  I am sure with my June 20th cardiologist appointment we will discuss.  My next stress test is in September, so I will just need to be on top of those extra heart beats.

4 - Daily chores.  I am mowing the grass (push mower), using a chain saw and cutting tree limbs, trimming bushes,  and feel pretty good.  I do get tired & need to take more breaks, but at age 58 that may be part of the new reality! 

5 - Coaching was more physical this year.  Coaching the pole vault, I was always carrying poles, spotting kids that fly the wrong direction, and on my feet for long periods of time.  I must admit, there were days when I was very tired & felt exhausted when I got home.  Not many things got accomplished around the house after 6 PM!  But it was worth it!  The boy team won another State Title!  It was great to get back & be a part of another State Championship!