Saturday, October 22, 2011

More Research on Procainomide

More research on Procainomide for PVC's.  Found this article:

procainamide - oral, Procanbid, Pronestyl

Prolonged use of procainamide may frequently cause the body to make certain immune molecules (antinuclear antibodies) that may make you ill. Contact your doctor immediately if you develop symptoms of this type of immune illness (e.g., skin sores/hives, muscle/joint aches, fever, chills, painful breathing). 

The word frequently does not excite me.  This drug is one to keep a close eye on for side effects!

Although this medication and others like it are used to treat certain kinds of abnormal heartbeats, they may rarely cause serious (sometimes fatal) irregular heartbeats. Therefore, procainamide should be used carefully in selected patients only (see Uses section).

So, "sometime fatal", what is the percentage!

USES: This medication is used to treat a certain serious (possibly life-threatening), persistent, abnormally fast heartbeat (sustained ventricular tachycardia).

I do not think this is me.  My PVC's are not life-threatning.

This may be one drug I will take as a last resort.  Need to do more research of other people taking this drug.

Friday, October 21, 2011

More Research on Amiodarone

This conversation was on the use of Amiodarone.

Amiodarone for PVC's

Several red flags in the conversation:

In a word, No! At least not if you are planning on being on it for any length of time. Have you looked it up and seen the side effects it can cause? There is now a new "version" of Amiodarone called Dronedarone that doesn't have the iodine in it. I think there are already a few people on here who are on it. I may go on it myself soon.

Side effects - new drug - Dronedarone.

Amiodarone is the SLEDGE HAMMER of antiarrhythmics.
Doctors like it because "It Works" and they can discharge patients quickly. It has a Half Life of 6 months or more and is Very Toxic if taken large doses or for too long.

The SLEDGE HAMMER!  Very Toxic if taken large doses for to long!

The claim for Dronedrone (Multaq) is that it works like amiodarone but has way fewer / less severe side effects. I would still try the others first.

One for Dronedrone!

Since Juan has used metoprolol and it hasn't worked, Toprol & Toprol XL are probably out, since they're the same thing. Don't know what difference is in the XL version.

What about sotalol? I think that's been mentioned as an alternative to amiodarone.

Same as me Metoprolol did not work - Another - Sotalol?

I have been through too many conversations with at least 10 cardios and EP Dr.'s both at home and at the Mayo clinic regarding the best drugs to treat these annoying PAC's/PVC's. I brought up the option of Sotalol since it has been mentioned here so many times. I was told by more than one Dr. that it does have a large beta blocker component and since the beta blockers didn't help my situation (in fact, they made it worse) then this med would not be something they would suggest. So, I'm wondering if Juan's Dr. feels the same way.

Again- Sotalol.  A beta blocker, this may not be the answer for me?

This has been an interesting dialogue, more ideas and more questions - PVC's are a challenge for many people!!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

PVC medicines - Amiodarone & Procainamide

What are other drugs to help with issues in the electrical issues & heart beat rhythm?  I have two new drugs to research with a tip from my sister-in-law in Florida(Thanks Lorie)

Amiodarone - here is what I found:
Amiodarone is used to treat and prevent certain types of serious, life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias (a certain type of abnormal heart rhythm when other medications did not help or could not be tolerated. Amiodarone is in a class of medications called antiarrhythmics. It works by relaxing overactive heart muscles. (I have always had a overactive heart!)

Procainamide - here is what I found:

Procainamide is an injectable drug that is used to correct disturbances in the heart's rhythm; it is an antiarrhythmic drug. Three actions are responsible for its ability to correct disturbances of rhythm and prevent their recurrence. Procainamide decreases the speed of electrical conduction through the heart muscle, prolongs the electrical phase during which the heart's muscle cells can be electrically stimulated, and prolongs the recovery period during which the heart muscle cells cannot be stimulated. Procainamide was approved for use by the FDA in 1950.

First,it has been around since 1950 - that is good.  Bad, this says it needs to be injected!  I'm sure they have pills - I HOPE!  It says it decreases speed of the electrical conduction - I guess that would help with the PVC's - P meaning premature.
SIDE EFFECTS: Common reactions include diarrheanauseavomiting,rashlow blood pressureitching, flushing, and slow heart beat. Severe reactions include abnormal heart beats, seizuresheart arrest, and blood disorders.  (Some of these sound like fun!)

So, next time I see the doctor, I will have more questions!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Busy Day - Heart Holds Up!

Busy day Tuesday.  Did my normal 45 minute walk in the morning.  Followed morning walk with yard work trimming trees & cleaning around trees & bushes.

After lunch did my normal running at two of my favorite stores Forry's market & the Dollar General!  Retirement is awesome for bargain hunting!

At church helped with the middle school after school program.  The normal routine is we feed them a snack, have a devotion, and take them for physical activity.  We played football, kickball, & basketball.  I stayed on the basketball court & played "Knockout".  For about 45 minutes the heart was OK.  In fact, some of the young middle school kids were breathing heavier than I was at the end of the day!  I even still having my shooting touch!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

First Week on New Dosage and PVC's

The experiment continues.  The goal is to eliminate my PVC's.  Again, after two echo stress tests & monitoring my own exercise routine, the issue is still exercise induced PVC's.  The two - 24 hour halter monitor results were interesting.  Here is what we know so far 10 months after open heart surgery:

1 - The heart halter monitor showed that the exercise is my main PVC issue.  The first test, I did my normal exercise routine and the results were 1621 PVC's, the second test, with no exercise that day, 168 PVC's!  Evidence that PVC's are exercise related, or heart rate related.

2 - The main medicine for the PVC issue has been Metoprolol or Toprol.  I have started at 25 mg per day, went to 50 mg, 100 mg, back down to 50 mg, and now I'm trying 25 mg again!  The Toprol, is a beta blocker, lowers your heart rate.  When I was on 100 mg, I felt lethargic.  With all the changes, the PVC's seem to stay the same, the PVC's appear when walking up hills at a heart rate from 95-105.  This week I have had mixed results, a couple days no PVC's & other days again on the uphill section of the exercise.

3 - I am able to do almost anything, golf, cut the grass, run a chain saw, other yard work, and household activities without problems.  I seem to be able to exercise during the PVC's, and simply slow down or maintain the rate of exercise.

So, I will stay on the meds & exercise this week as usual.  The plan is to stay on this schedule for 3 weeks & then re-evaluate.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Five Mile Walk Felt Good!

Today I went out to one of my favorite trails & did the 5 mile walk.  Here was the game plan:

1 - Walk 5 miles
2 - Have 3 half mile surges where I get my heart rate to 95-100.
3 - The rest of the walk the heart rate around 85-95.

Walk went well & had NO noticeable PVC's for the entire 1 hour & 17 minutes.  The rate for the fast walk was around 8min 30 sec and the slower walk around 9 min 30 sec.  The old railroad bed is flat, therefore did not have hills to contend with in the workout.

Tomorrow will be one week on my new med experiment:
75 mg Plavix
25 mg Metoprolol
5 mg Amlodipine

Old Meds are still:
81 mg Aspirin
20 mg Aciphex
10 mg Singulair
40 mg Lipitor

Will also need to call cardiologist about the potassium.  My sister, "Ginny the Nurse", had me check my blood test for potassium.  My level was within the given"normal range" - my reading was 4.4 & the range given was (3.5-5.3).  She said the potassium could be dangerous if it goes to high.  I will not take the potassium until I experiment with the new dose of Metoprolol and talk to the cardiologist.

Also, my brother Jon (my other coach) said it may be time for a second opinion.  I will hold off till I give this new experiment a chance.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Heart Videos from You Tube - Plaque Build Up

There are many amazing (and some very stupid) videos on You Tube.  Today I tries to focus on what I suffered from - plaque build up in my heart.  Have a look & see what you think.  Search on your own and try to find some educational videos for yourself!  Click on the titles of each video to view.

Reversing Arterial Plaque

Clean Plaque from Arteries

Removing Arterial Plaque

What is Plaque?

3 Paths to Lower Cholesterol

4 Tips to Lower Cholesterol

How to Safely Raise HDL

How to Raise Your Good Cholesterol - HDL

How a look & find your own videos for health!