Saturday, November 12, 2011

Wedding Day - Jared & Erliza

Wedding was AWESOME!  Everything went well & we thank our many friends & relatives!!!

Thanks to friends!  Many longggggggg time friends!

Neighbors - old & new

Relatives - brothers - sisters & aunts & uncles & moms & dads & grandparents & ALL!!!

Our church - Pastor Dave & friends from church!

New friends - Licette - "V" - and others!

Good food!  Good Music!  Good friends!  Good Time!

Again, having heart surgery last year has allowed me to enjoy this very special moment!  To see my son, so happy with his new bride!

Jared & Erliza!  Sue & I love you guys and wish you THE BEST!!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Wedding Day! 11/11/11!!!

Here we are 11/11/11 - Veteran's Day 2011.  The world continues to get smaller!  Major Jared Albright, from Lancaster, PA marries Erliza Morales from the Philippines and Australia!  Here we go!

Jared & Erliza

And a BIG THANK YOU to all Veterans!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wedding Week - Countdown - 1 Day to Go!!

The "new" heart is doing well one day before the big wedding!  Started day with 45 minute walk, last minute wedding preparation, wedding rehearsal, and rehearsal party!!!  ALL WENT WELL!

Wedding with Pastor Dave barking orders!

Ladies getting reading for wok down the aisle!

Hugs - Erliza & Mamita!

And a great present for Dad!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wedding Week - Countdown - 2 More Days to Go

The heart is holding up well as we move toward wedding day for oldest son Jared!  Today's events:

Walked 5 miles today.  Average heart rate 90-95, got the rate to 108 with NO PVC's!

Raked leaves & mowed lawn for last time - I hope!

Wife is out with girls in wedding planning mode.

Son arrives from Washington DC today to finish his planning.  (Jared will be wearing his dress military uniform - he is now in the Army 10 years and a Major!)

Thursday - Wedding Rehearsal & Rehearsal Party!
Friday 11/11/11 - Veteran's Day - Wedding at 5 PM!

REMEMBER - Last year at this time I could not have walked 5 miles, mowed the grass & who knows what might have happened!  Fortunately for me, this was the week before I went to my doctor & found out I had three blockages in my heart!  I begin each day this week thanking God that I'm here to see Jared & Erliza's wedding!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Exercise, PVC's, and Medication

It has been four weeks since my last cardiologist meeting.  Prior to that meeting I had a echo stress test and blood work.  At the meeting, it was decided that I would try working on my medicines.  Here are the medications:

Heart Medicines:

Now the heart issues:  My Heart Medicines!
Bayer (lo dose) Aspirin - 81 mg - 1 per day - (was taking this before my open heart surgery)
Lipitor - 40 mg -1 per day - (was taking 10 mg before the open heart surgery)
Plavix - 75 mg - 1 per day - (new after open heart surgery)
Amlodipine - 5 mg - 1 per day - (new after open heart surgery)
Metoprolol - 25 mg - 1 per day - (new after open heart surgery)

Still taking my regular medication for my other issues:
Singulair - 10 mg - 1 per day (this is for my allergies & asthma)
Aciphex - 20 mg - 1 per day (this is for my stomach issues)

The exercise is going well.  On my walks my heart rate will rise to 100-120 on uphill sections.  The PVC's seem to be less frequent and will only happen on uphill sections.  I have accelerated on flat sections and had PVC's when the heart rate approaches 105-110.  Overall, my fitness has improved and the PVC's seem to be improving.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Wedding Planner - Franck!

For those of you that are Steve Martin (the comedian) fans, the movie "Father of the Bride" was an awesome, funny, and yet touching movie!  This week our oldest son, Jared, gets married!  And I get to walk the bride down the aisle!  You see, she is from the Philippines and her parents cannot make it over for the wedding!

The planning for the wedding is up to my wife & me (MOSTLY MY WIFE)!  So we will see how the new ticker handles the stress of a wedding!  My focus is on Franck from the movie "Father of the bride"!