Saturday, December 10, 2011

Zipper Club Grows!

The facts are, more of us will have open heart by-pass surgery.  It is a numbers game.  As we age, as we eat, as we become less active, things will continue to happen that a will create a heart in need of repair.  This week my neighbor, Jim, joined the "Zipper Club".  I visited him this week & he is tired, sore, and learning how to handle a new challenge!

Today I also had breakfast with Rob.  He is 3 months out!  This seems to be a key time period for survivors of open heart by-pass surgery!  He is doing well!  And is appreciates the coaching & friendship the past three months!  Good Stuff!  That is what the "Zipper Club" is all about.  A group of people that have conquered a new part of their life!

After breakfast, I also tackled the Lebanon Valley Trail!  This time I finished the leg of the northern most part of the trail!  A sixty minute walk that felt great.  I did not wear my heart monitor.  Sometimes I feel it is better to exercise without the monitor.  I feel at times that I enjoy my exercise more when I just relax & enjoy the time on the trail!

The Lebanon Valley Trail is a beauty!  Take a look at the website:

Lebanon Valley Rails to Trails

The maps are great to show you the trails that go from Lebanon, Lebanon County to Elizabethtown, in Lancaster County.

Rails to Trail Maps

Today I traveled from Whilhelm Avenue to 9th Street and back.  A great walk on a great day!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Learn About PVC's

I have not mentioned my PVC's for a few days.  They are still there, but I have ignored the extra beats.  I still wear my heart monitor during exercise.  The PVC's seem to be fewer and I seem to be able to get my heart rate up to around 110 before they appear on the monitor.

Found this website discussing PVC's:

Premature Ventricular Complexes - PVC's

As the article points out, PVC's are common in about 1 in 20 people.  After surgery is when I first experience the PVC's during my cardiac rehab.  For almost a year, my doctors have been treating my PVC's with medicines.  So far, I have seen some improvement.

My main concerns are a run of PVC's.  As the article points out: "Some people have episodes of several PVC's in a row.  If there are more than three PVC's in a row, the episode is called, non-sustaines ventricular tackycardia (NSVT)."  These can be dangerous.

More on NSVT at The Cleveland Clinic - NSVT

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Worst Holiday Foods!

Time to focus on the holiday and the FOODS!  17 more shopping days till Christmas and 17 more eating days till Christmas!  Found this article:

Med Help - Healthy Living - Worst Holiday Foods

Let's take a look at some of the Foods!

1 - Eggnog - 8 ounce glass - 400 calories!  I like eggnog, but rarely drink it.  Now I will NOT drink it!  Too many other foods to use for the 400 calories!

2 - Pecan Pie - 500 calories per slice!  Not a big fan of Pecan Pie, so this is easy!  The substitute that was offered was Pumpkin Pie - THIS I LIKE!  Less calories & fiber!

3 - Sweet Potato Casserole - This one looks good & I would eat a entire plate of this!  The suggested substitute is regular sweet potatoes!

4 - Fruitcake - This one is easy!  I HATE FRUITCAKE!  The substitute is great - Gingerbread!

5 - Gift Popcorn - I like popcorn, the substitute is regular popcorn.

6 - Fudge - love fudge, but need to stay away from the fudge!  The replacement is Meringues.  See great picture below:

There are other suggestions in the article of foods to avoid & substitutes!  One thing I do is carry a glass of water around and take a drink when I see something I like, but should not eat!  It is Christmas, and I WILL eat some holiday treats!  BUT, I will try to moderate myself!

One thing you must do is make Christmas Cookies!  Especially with kids!  Checkout the video below!

Kids Making Christmas Cookies!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

From a Bad Heart to a Share of The Green Bay Packers

There are many ways to heal a heart!  A good diet, exercise, handling stress, & finding something that is fun!  Fun for me is sports!  Watching sports, coaching young people, and rooting for your team.  One of my teams is the Green Bay Packers!  The Green Bay Packers is a very unique team!  The city of Green Bay is unique!  The fans are unique!  And the way the team is run is unique!  The Packers are the only professional team that is owned by stockholders!  Today I became a stockholder!  Today I purchased one share of stock in the Green Bay Packers!  The heart feels great!  Today I am a shareholder in the:

Green Bay Packers!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Another Test for the New Heart!

How do you know that your heart is healing after open heart surgery?

1 - Surviving a football game when your team wins in the last second!
Packers 38 - Giants 35!

2 - Walking up to your seat, located second last row from the top! Nice View!

3 - On the drive home we hit a deer & arrived home at 2 AM!

Great tests for the heart!  By the way, all four Packer Backers, Bob, Bill, Terry, & myself have had heart issues!  All all four made it home safely!!!

Go Packers!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

My Heart, My Packers, The Streak!

One of my life long passions has been football.  From watching as a kid, to playing in high school, coaching in high school, and of course as a fan!  Why?  I think several reasons have captivated me!

Reason 1 - As a kid, it was fun to play!  (The mothers in the neighborhood disagreed)  Scoring a touchdown on a long run!  Tackling that pain in the neck kid!  Drawing up those crazy plays in the dirt!  Or even out in the backyard by yourself - punting the ball and hitting that perfect spiral that turns over in the air!  GREAT memories.

Reason 2 - Being part of a team!  Working hard together.  Practicing that play over & over till it is perfect!  Having 11 young men work together!  Helping one another up after a play.  Learning to handle defeat!  And of course, celebrating VICTORY!

Reason 3 - As a fan!  As a young fan watching someone that you idolize - Roger Staubach, Johnny Unitas, Dick Butkus, and all the other legends!  As an adult, admiring someone that is skilled on the field & a leader off the field!  A role model for other Dads (This is critical!)

Today I make a second trip to see the Packers - this time to New York and as Howard Cosell used to say, "The New York "Football" Giants"!  I would love to see a Packer win!  But, more important!  I am going to THE GAME!  Last year with heart surgery looming I missed it!

This year will be great!  Good weather - sunny & in the 50's!  Good friends - Bill, Terry & Bob!  And a great football game - Go Pack Go!