Saturday, February 4, 2012

Heart Heathy Super Bowl

It is that time again - Super Bowl.  Of course, Packer fans wanted more, but you need to be happy with your team whatever! (STILL NOT HAPPY ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED - JAN 15th)

But the Super Bowl Party is on!  And will try to stay as "Heart Healthy" as possible, but will cheat a little!

We always try to stay true to the teams that are playing, so.....

For New England - New England Clam Chowder (5 mg cholesterol) & Boston Beans! (No cholesterol!)

And New York Giants - New York Strip Steak (small piece) & New York Style Cheesecake (35 mg of cholesterol) (small piece)

Plus other goodies!  (I will eat a lot of fruit & veggies)This is my day to have fun, but will behave the next week!

Super Bowl XLVI

Friday, February 3, 2012

Exercise & Cardiac Rehab

Back to Cardiac Rehab.  Today had a great walk - one hour & 15 minutes!  Back on one of my favorite trails - The Rail-to-Trial in good old Lebanon County!  Had a chance to get my exercise & enjoy my piece of Lebanon Count History!  This trail was part of the Cornwall Railroad and the Cornwall-Lebanon Railroad, two competing lines that enjoyed the wealth generated by the iron ore in the Cornwall Mines!

Today, I started at Cornwall, PA and walked to route 72 and back.

I first passed my old elementary school.  Thank you Miss Reed, my awesome 1st grade teacher!
Grade 2 - Miss Long, Grade 3 - Mrs. Juliana, Grade 4 - Miss Edwards, Grade 5 - Mr. Garman and Grade 6 - Mr. Onifrey!  All great teachers!

Passed the trestle bridge, this allowed the competing railroads to cross each others tracks!

The Cornwall Inn - a bed & breakfast now, when I was a kid solid penny candy (not good for the hearts!)

Mile marker #9!  Great view!

This was my favorite discovery - a bench dedicated to two of my old football coaches!  (Mr. Hetrick & Mr. Umberger!) (NOW I'm an old football coach!!!)

Finally I reach Route 72 bridge!  Great day - Great exercise - Good for the Heart!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Florida Vacation & One Year After Open Heart Surgery

One year ago I was just recovering from open heart surgery.  This January is was great to spend an awesome vacation with my lovely wife!!!  Here is a quick review:

Days 1 & 2 - Help drive down to Florida with my in-laws - John & Phyllis
          First time driving a motor home & towing a car - FUN!
               (Heart passed a BIG test! - Traveling with the truckers on Interstate 95!!)

Day 3 - Visited our niece Jacqueline & her new baby Grace!
Day 4 & 5 - Traveled to Disney World!

Day 6 & 7 -- Time with my big brother Jon & his lovely wife Lori touring Port St. Lucie

Day 8 -  Fly home - Air Tran & a new adventure!
Try the Baltimore to Lancaster Flight with Cape Air - quite an adventure!
     (heart passed another test - it was a ROUGH ride from Baltimore to Lancaster!)

Great Trip!
Good for the HEART!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Another Day in Florida

We had another great day in Florida!  Albright Tours, lead by big brother Jon, started our day at the Navy Seal Museum!  Below is the website:

Navy Seal Museum

This was a small, but great museum.  A lot of great history describing the birth of the famous Navy Seals. The original training grounds in Fort Pierce, Florida finally closed in 1945 & moved to the west coast in San Diego.

After the tour we ate our lunch right by the ocean. The Ocean Grill!

It is a great restaurant that is located on the Vero Beach shoreline.  Food was good, service good, and weather was great!

Fly home Wednesday!  All good things must come to an end, but the HEART continues to heal!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Florida Vacation Continues

Today we made it to Port St. Lucie Florida to visit my brother & his new wife Lori!  Jon was in Lancaster, PA last year to support me through my open heart surgery.  And now, over one year later I am able to visit him & say, Thanks for your support!

We are spending two days visiting & today also had a chance to visit my nephew Dave & his wife Shelly, along with their three of their four sons, Mitchel, Reece, & Fletcher.  (Kyle is away at college right now)

Part of the trip today was a few tourist stops at:

The Breakers

A beautiful luxury hotel.  I had a beer there today!

And drive down Worth Street, where all the high rollers shop!

Did not buy Sue any new shoes!!!

Great day to see my brother and his family!  The heart continues to heal!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

15,000 Views For My Heart Under Repair Blog!

Another milestone!  Today, 14 months after this blog started, we hit 15,000 VIEWS!!!!


And thanks for your thoughts & prayers!
Thanks for your friendship!
Thanks for your advice!
Thanks for being there!

How about some statistics?

Page Views - people viewing my Blog by day, week, month, & total!

People viewing my Blog by countries - Go Russia! (But this could be computer hackers!)

By Browsers?

By Computer Operating System?

My most Populat Posts?

And remember, about half way through the blog I tried to make a few bucks! (I am retired & on a fixed income)  Here is what I earned so far!

Remember, to enlarge each picture, just click on it!


My Heart Under Repair!