Friday, March 16, 2012

More Information on PVC's

I still to stay informed with the PVC's that I had after my open heart surgery.  As I have said in the past, I could have had these before surgery and never realized it!  Here are my PVC notes about my battle with PVC's:

1 - I first noticed the PVC's on my second day of cardiac rehab
2 - My cardiologist first suggested no extra meds, then a beta blocker metoprolol.
3 - I have worn a heart monitor twice.
* - The first time in a 24 hour period with my exercise routine I have many! - 1621 PVC's
* - The second time in a 24 hour period, without exercise I had fewer! - 168 PVC's
4 - Now, with my primitive heart monitor, I will suffer PVC's at a heart rate in the 110 - 120 range
5 - Normal walking will not cause PVC's

Check Yahool  answers - Treatment & Cure for PVC's

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Heart Health for Kids

Found a great website for kids!  Not, only does it cover heart health, but many other health concerns.  It has videos explaining health questions.

Take a look at Kids Health - EKG Video

And it has games! Kids Health - Try Food Flight Christmas Game

Make sure you read the instructions!

And many other categories: Kid Talk, Cooking & Recipes, Staying, Safe, Health Problems,
Feelings, Staying Healthy, Illness & Injuries, How the Body Works, Growing Body & Mind, and many other topics!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Great Morning Workout

Had a great 70 minute walk this morning on the Lebanon Valley Rail to Trail with my "Zipper Club" buddy Terry!  Terry is bouncing back nicely from a second surgical procedure to clear blockage in his legs!  It was a beautiful spring day (sunny & 60's) for brisk walk on the path.  We started in Cornwall, PA and walked north to Lebanon, PA!

(Remember to click on the map to enlarge)

The trail was in great shape! We started at Rt. 419 in Cornwall and walked to the Evergreen Road bridge & back.

It is hard for me to remember the train whistle as a kid! (Lived about 1/2 mile from the tracks!)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Great Open Heart Surgery Story!

Now that track season has started again, I am enjoying coaching again after my open heart surgery last year!  This is my second year back!  Last year I was 3 months our from surgery & a little weak and tired after practice!  This year I feel a lot better when I get home from practice!

While surfing the net I found a great story about a young track athlete that is running great after open heart surgery!!  Take a look at the story!

Four years after open-heart surgery, Verona's Anderson a title contender

She sounds like a great athlete & running 2:17 in the 8oo meters is great for any you lady in high school!  She was lucky to have an electrocardiogram that saw the heart issue.  There are a few kids that have issues and never know it from birth!  She was a lucky one!!!