Friday, April 6, 2012

Why is Aspirin Good for Your Health?

Why is Aspirin Good for Your Health?  Good question!  This article -

Why is aspirin good for your heart?

Aspirin prevents heart attacks by keeping these blood clots from forming. The mechanism that makes aspirin good for the heart is pretty much the same as the one that makes it good for aches and pains.

Good answer!  What is good for aches and pains, is great for your heart!

People who take the recommended dose of between 80 mg and 325 mg a day have a better chance of avoiding heart attacks and, if they do have one, of surviving it [source: MedicineNet]. Why is aspirin so good for people with heart disease?

Take this quiz and see how you do! Heart Health Quiz

How did you do?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Visit the Cleveland Clinic!

The number 1 heart hospital in the USA - the Cleveland Clinic!

If you want to learn more about the human heart visit:

Great website & great hospital!  Have a visit!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Latest Blog Statistics

Showing my old mathematical roots on occasion is something I need to do!  The statistics with this blog are great!  Let's take a look at some of the latest stats about my blog:

Statistics on My Heart Under Repair

First - Page Views
As you can see, in the past 16 months of my job I have had 17,135 views!   That is an average of 1070 per month, so this past month was below average!

Traffic Source -

This tell you how people are getting to me! To no surprise, most search via google!

Search Keyword

One of the more popular ways to get to my heart website has been pvc's.  Those extra heart beats are still a hot search word!

Here is my favorite!  The countries that are reading my blog!

Some great countries!  Malaysia, India, Bangladesh, Colombia, ........

This to me is what makes blogging fascinating!  People from all over the world!  Sharing ideas & helping each other!