Friday, July 13, 2012

Golf and Open Heart Surgery!

I have discussed my love of golf and how the game of golf was part of my preparation for open heart surgery & part of my recovery from open heart surgery!  Today is July 13th, 2012 - 19 months after open heart surgery!  And this was a great week of golf!

Monday, shot a 76 (36 on the back 9!)  And it was from the senior tees!  And today shot a 83 from the regular tees!  So, part of my heart plan is golf!
     1 - It is a great social time with my golfing buddies!
     2 - Good easy exercise - not my top exercise, but it is exercise.
     3 - Competition - against myself & my buddies.
     4 - Mental Workout - Golf is a thinking game!

Dates from the past........

     1- December 13, 2010 - My Open Heart By-Pass Surgery  - As I was going under before surgery I had two thoughts - God's hands on my surgeons hands & playing a round off golf at my home course - Fairview in Lebanon County.  I pictured the holes, my shots, the weather, the smells, & everything that makes golf great!

     2 - April 25, 2011 - 19 weeks after my surgery, my first round of golf!  Easter Monday, a great feeling!  A beautiful spring day, 3 buddies from my high school class of 1971, and my home course - Fairview!

     3 - July 13, 2012 - 19 months after my surgery, I'm in a great zone!  Had a great week of golf.  My son's bought me a new driver for Father's Day that I am hitting straight & far!  Monday are my retired buddies from the world of education!  And Friday are the guys that are still in the classroom!  Monday we play senior tees & Friday regular tees!

So, thank you golf!  And thank you to my golfing buddies!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Exercising with PVC's

Today I decided to wear my heart monitor & check how my PVC's were doing during my workout.  Well, guess what? NO PVC's!!

Starting heart rate was 67.  I walked & ran the old rail-trail off of Spooky Nook Road (one of my favorite road names!)  I did a 3 mile workout, mixing in some jogging with my walking.  My average heart rate was around 95-98.  When I did some jogging & surges (my speed work - boy was I flying!), I got the heart rate to 115.  My heart monitor showed no PVC's.

What's up?  I think I attribute my results to a few things.

1 - Dumb Luck - I think PVC's are very crazy things!  They are very unpredictable!

2 - I think I am getting in better shape - watching diet, exercising, & trying to get my rest when needed!

3 - Removing stressful life choices - I love doing things, but I'm trying to take away the more mentally stressful & frustrating activities!

4 - Ignoring the PVC focus.  I try not to wear the heart monitor very often - maybe three - four times a month.  I do not focus on researching the PVC's, except when I see new data & research from the medical world!

5 - I'm a year and a half out from my open heart surgery - TIME HEALS!

During my research with PVC's, I have discovered the many reasons for the PVC's.  Maybe I am making progress!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Three Days After Seborrheic Keratoses & Cryotherapy

Three days out from Seborrheic Keratoses & Cryotherapy.  Not too bad.  No pain or itching.  Scabs formed on the 5 areas that were frozen.  Overall the process has been no problem!  I guess when you compare this to open-heart surgery, well NO COMPARISON!

More on Seborrheic Keratoses. Found a You Tube video - Seborrheic Keratoses

This video does a nice job explaining Seborrheic Keratoses & giving example of these skin problems.  They also go on to describe the treatment.

Here are examples of Seborrheic Keratoses