Saturday, November 10, 2012

Heart Issue Reminders!

It was two years ago this week that I decided to do something about my health!  Let me take you back to what led to my Quintuple Open-Heart By-Pass Surgery!!!

Warning Signs!

August 2010 - Had my annual physical at my family doctor - everything OK.

September 2010 - Feeling tired -though it was my schedule & age - 57!

October 2010 - Had trouble mowing the yard, had to stop to catch my breath!  Blamed it on my asthma!  Also, at my job, walking around school & up & down steps was getting difficult - thought I must get in better shape!

November 2010 - Had more issues!  Had trouble raking leaves, cutting grass, walking up steps!  I new what was happening, but thought it is last year of teaching - NEED to FINISH!!!  I had tightness in my chest, not pain.  Was tired!  Steps were difficult!  Before I called the doctor I needed to try my walk around my neighborhood!

Tried to walk, but could not get up hills without stopping!  If I made it home, I would call my wife & tell her - and then call my wife!

Next day at family doctor, sent me for a heart cath!  3 major blockages!  99%, 60%, 50%!  I need OPEN HEART BY-PASS SURGERY!

DO NOT WAIT!  If you have any signs - GET TO A DOCTOR!


Here are some websites to visit for advice!

American Heart Association

Heart Attack Symptoms in Women

Mayo Clinic - Heart Attack Warnings

Signs & Symptoms of Heart Attacks

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Athletes & Heart Issues

One of the amazing stories of people who battle heart issues is Eric Compton!  How about playing professional golf after TWO heart transplants!   I thought I would dedicate some of my blog time to athletes with heart issues.  This is am amazing story!  Check out his web site at Eric Compton!

Here is a little history:

Compton has been known throughout the golf world for his heart condition. When he was nine, Compton was diagnosed with viral cardiomyopathy, a condition where the heart muscle is inflamed and unable to pump as hard as it should. He has been through three different hearts thus far through his life. His first heart transplant came in 1992, when Compton was 12. Compton had his second transplant and third heart in 2008, which was again a successful surgery. For this, Compton was given the Ben Hogan Award at Augusta, Georgia duringThe Masters in April 2009. He also gained recognition for his attempts to have the use of a golf cart during qualifying rounds for PGA Tour and Nationwide Tour events.

Two heart transplants!  And playing against the best golfers in the world!  Inspirational!!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Heart Issues, Stress & Politics

OK, it's officially over!  The election of 2012 has come and gone!  They must make it shorter!!  Or heart patients, both liberal and conservative will not make it!!!

The past two years that I have kept my heart blog I have avoided politics!  Well, here is my one day!!  And why?  It is stressful!  And that is not good for heart patients!  So, here we go - a STRESSSSSS Release!!!

My political believes!!  The KISS Method - Keep It Simple Stupid!  This is only about the federal government in this rant!

1 - Term limits - one term for president - 6 years! (all they do is run for office!)

2 - Term limits - Senate - 2 - 6 year terms - (No more running for congress on the house side)

3 - Term limits - House - 6 - 2 year terms -  (No more running for congress on the senate side)

4 - Smaller Federal Government - must shrink by 5% each year, next 20 years!

5 - Must have a BALANCED Budget!  - No budget no pay!

6 - Any campaign contributions - HALF must go to charity!

7 - MUST be held to promises, passing grade 70%, if below - GOOD-BYE!

Here are my tips for stress release after the election!

1 - No news for one month!
   No TV News programs
   Local News Papers - Local Sections & Sports Only!
   No Radio Talk Shows!

2 - Exercise More

3 - Eat Less

4 - Go on one date a week with your spouse or friends

5 - Pray - AM & PM!!!!  At Least - Especially for our country & leaders!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Heart Grows Stronger as Packers Win!

Football season has always been special!  As a high school athlete, football was my favorite sport!  From tackling a running back on a power sweep, to running back a punt as the opposing team tries to flatten you - SOUNDS like fun!

From playing to coaching football, I always was a fan!  My team, the Green Bay Packers won this weekend!  One of the best things about retirement is the ability to travel to Green Bay!!!  With my Packer buddies - Bill, Terry, & Phil, we made our pilgrimage to Packer land!

If you follow my blog, you may remember, my open-heart surgery caused me to miss one of my trips in 2010!  Part of the recovery was getting back to see the Packers!  Why?  Have a look at good old patriotism!

Green Bay, Wisconsin is a VERY patriotic city!  The tribute to our military this weekend was AMAZING!!!

As always, a Fly Over!!!!

And the game, well, we WON 31-17!

New heart, new season, & old friends!!