Friday, December 21, 2012

Physical Health & Mental Health

This week our nation has been shocked by the death of 20 children & 6 adults in an elementary school in Connecticut!  The question is "What are we doing about our friends & family that suffer from mental health issues?"

Two years ago, I had open heart by-pass surgery to mend a heart that was in need of repair.  The clogged arteries were by-passed & the blood is passing through my heart as I type my blog!  If you look at me you would not know I had heart surgery, but if I let you peak under my shirt you will notice a 9 inch scar!  But, I am healthy!!!!

People with mental health issues look healthy on the outside!  They have no scars to show you.  But they are sick!  This past week, a young man that was sick took the life of 26 people!  Mental health is something like a virus that spreads to healthy people.  The people that come into contact with a person with mental health issues usually will not die, but this week many children and a few adults came into contact with a person in need of help & they died!  Mental health is not an easy fix!

How should we handle mental health issues?

Is your family touched by a person with mental health issues?

What can be done to help families with loved ones with mental health issues?

     •  Friday a week ago, in an elementary school, children & adults lost their lives to a person with mental help issues!
     •  In our local papers front page, a 20 year old man tortured 3 elder ladies!  He had not shown signs of mental issues before this, but was recently put on medicine for anxiety!
     •  This week at church, an older member showed up in need of money!  He took his brothers car from Ohio, drove to Pennsylvania, and asked our Pastor for help!  He has had a history of mental issues & parents are in their 80's and cannot help!

I could go on!  Our country is worried about a "fiscal cliff"!  Well, we also have a "mental health cliff"

Why?  Here are some thoughts:
     1 - The deterioration of the family!  Children are losing the battle - broken homes, TV raising kids, kids that are un-churched, poor parenting!!!
     2 - Violence - TV is terrible!  Movies are sick!  Video games are graphic!
     3 - How does our country handle mental health issues?

More to come!