Friday, December 13, 2013

Three Years After Open Heart By-pass Surgery!

December 13, 2010!!!  I was just waking from Open-Heart By-pass Surgery!!  Quintuple By-Pass!  Wow!!!  For 3 years I have experienced many things!  First, a look at my initial response!

Waking from Open Heart By-pass Surgery!  I was operated on early in the 13th & awoke that evening!  What  was my first reaction - my back was killing me!!  And my throat was dry!  That was it!  Sore back & dry throat, otherwise a blur!!!!

Operated on Monday, home by Friday!  I remember walking the next day!  Wow!! 24 hours later - up and walking!  I remember my first real meal - throw up!!  Removing my catheter, WOW!  And the Percocet - pain killing made my skin crawl!!!  Nurses were great, but walls were coming in on me!  And I remember the nurses removing my tubes, EVERY ONE!!  Wow!

And at home Friday!  My first shower!!!!  I was so tired after the shower I needed a nap!!  And many more recovery memories!!

I was a lucky guy!  I tried to ignore the symptoms (will cover more later)  and was blessed with prayers & friends that assisted me through it all!

What would I have missed, if I was not here?

I have TWO wonderful sons!  And the were married in 2011 & 2012!  WOULD HAVE MISSED IT!

I have TWO fantastic daughter-in-laws!  WOULD HAVE MISSED IT!

I have TWO gorgeous granddaughters!  WOULD HAVE MISSED IT!

I have retired!!!  WOULD HAVE MISSED IT!

I have been to see my Green Bay Packers 11 times since 2010!  WOULD HAVE MISSED IT!

Golfing, traveling, family & friends, weddings, birthdays, Christmas, Easter, vacations,….. AND

Three awesome years with my AWESOME WIFE!  (NOW 37 years & counting!!!!!


Truly blest!  More Memories to come!