Tuesday, December 31, 2013

End of The Year Health Recap!

Here we are!  Another year!  Time for a Health Check!!!!

Age: 60 and aging (gracefully)

Height: 5'9" and shrinking

Weight: 186 lbs (and hopefully shrinking)

3 years since open heart by-pass surgery Dec 13, 2010 - Quintuple!

PVC's under control - irregular heart beat

Skin Cancer under control - had Squamous Cell & Basal Cell Removed Fall of 2013

Liver Disease diagnosed as Fatty Liver Disease - more of that to come in 2014!

Exercise - played over 60 softball this year!  Still gold once or twice a week (weather permitting!  And still walking 4-6 times a week (from 20-60 minutes a walk)

Diet - Trying to avoid baked goods (but they keep finding me!)  But, overall I am more disciplined!  Still have tons of Christmas cookies in the house!!!  And my sweet tooth - mostly dark chocolate if I have it!  Eat very little white bread!  Eat very little ice cream!

Mental Approach - still think I have a handle on the mental part go aging!  But, must admit, within the past three years it has been a constant focus!  Most of the issues are the new challenges - first heart issues, then irregular heart beats, skin cancer and now liver issues!  It is VERY important to stay POSITIVE and enjoy life - dates with wife, grandkids, the boys & their wires, etc!!  Golf, trail walking, & Packer Games!!!!