Friday, December 26, 2014

What Do The Numbers Say About Packers vs Lions?

Here we go, it's numbers time!

Packers Total Offense 6th - 386 yds  (11th Rush -  7th Pass)  & Lions 18th (27th Rush -  11th Pass)

Packers Total Defense 12th  348 yds & Lions 2nd - 295 yds

Points Packers 21.9  & Detroit 16.8

Key Personnel

Packers Offense
Rogers 6th 4155 yds - TD Passes Roger 3rd - 36 TD - QB Rating 2nd 111.0
Nelson 4th - 1433 yds
Cobb 10th - 1207 yds
Lacy 7th - 1039 yds

Lions Offense
Stafford 7th 4040 yds - TD Passes 16th - 19 TD - QB Rating 23th 85.4
Johnson 16th - 1038 yds
Tate 7th - 1286 yds
Bell 16th - 800 yes

Packers Defense
Sacks - Matthews 10
Interceptions - Hayward 16th 3
Tackles Burnett 4th - 122

Lions Defense
Suh 8.5
Interceptions Quinn 1st - 7
Tackles DeAndre 1st - 140

The Detroit Defense has some great weapons, while the Packers offense does the same!

All Pros Packers
QB - Rogers
FB - Kuhn
WR - Nelson
G - Sitton
OLB - Matthews

All Pro Lions
WR - Johnson
DT - Suh
S - Quin

Good players and great game on the way!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Four Years After Open Heart ByPass Surgery!

Today. December 13, is 4 years after my open heart surgery.  I hope this blog has helped others!  I hope this blog has informed others!  I hope this blog hale ME stay focused!!!

Let's review the past four years!

1 - At age 57, my last year in education, I had a feeling!  It was gradual, and it progressed to the point I new I was in trouble!  Sometime around September-October, I was tired!  I felt, just typical for a guy who, was in his last year of education, still coaching, and doing too much!  The long days of 6 AM to 6   PM were starting to catch up to me!

And then, late October I new EXACTLY what it was!  A long time buddy had open heart in April!  All my reading & studying said, heart issues, a blockage!  I had teacher inservice classes to teach the first week of November, and I was determined to do this first!(STUPID).  I had trouble walking around the school!  I had trouble walking up steps!!!  After my inservice, I tried to walk around the block of my house, and had to stop several times!  It was time to call!

2 - Called  my wife & told her!  Called my doctor & he said see me right way!  To make a long story short - family doctor, to cardiologist, a heart cath & 3 blockages - 50%, 60% & 99%!!!!  WOW!

3 - Decided to pick a different doctor - my family doctor was affiliated with a certain hospital & I wanted another!  Fortunately, it was no problem!  I wanted the Heart Group with the MOST experience!  BUT, had to wait 3 weeks!  That meant, NO PHYSICAL activity!

4 - Heart Surgery! The mental prep was critical!  My faith was critical!  My family & friends were critical!  And the day arrived, Monday, December 13th, 2010!  Up early(5 AM), at hospital at 6 AM.  Nurses prepped me, that put me under & I'm on my way!!!  Plan was for 3 bypasses!

5 - Five - six hours later, I wake up!  WOW!  My back was killing me!  My throat was DRY.  And the breathing tube was still in my throat!!!  I WAS ALIVE!  THAT IS GOOD!

6 - Four days in the hospital, and each day was a journey.  Like I said, the first PAIN was my back!  My chest felt pretty good, except when sneezing or coughing! (GRAB THAT PILLOW)  My pain meds made me a little goofy!  Percocet!!  NOT GOOD!

7 - Home - first shower - AMAZING!  Getting dressed - WIFE HAD TO HELP!  Visits from home nurse & physical therapist were great!  Recovery was slow & steady!

8 - Cardiac Rehab!  Great people, great experience, lot's of learning, and a few set backs!!  Day 2 of rehab, kicked out!  Had PVC's.  Never had before, but no more rehab! More tests, nothing definite, back to rehab!  Still have PVC's!  Fooled with meds, had another heat cath, NOTHING!  Make a long story short, STILL have them 4 years later!

9 - Bought a heart monitor for exercise, and it will show me when I have PVC's usually at a heart rate around 110-120!

10 - Four years later, feel pretty good!  I really am doing anything I want, but no crazy physical things. Golfed 50 times this year, went to Scotland, played senior league softball, and walk regularly.  Still have not jogged a lot!

So, if you are having heart issues - GET CHECKED!  I was STUPID & LUCKY!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Visit To Family Doctor

OK, it has been awhile!  Time to start focusing on my "Heart Blog" & not my "Green Bay Packer Blog"!

Today was the visit to the family doctor - the game plan was:

1 - Talk about the other doctors in my life!
       Dermatologist  - Liver Doctor  -  Heart Doctor  (My dentist & eye doctor don't count)

2 - Flu Shot

3 - Future Stuff
       Physical - March 2015
       Liver Doctor Appt - Nov - Dec 2014 - Feb 2015
       Dermatologist - PDT Treatment
       Heart Doctor Appt - Feb - March 2015
       Colonoscopy - 2016
Future considerations …….
       Pneumonia Vaccine

Who should consider pneumococcal vaccination?

Pneumococcal vaccination should be considered by people in the following groups:

Future considerations …….

        Shingles Vaccine

Whether they've had shingles or not, adults age 60 and older should get the shingles vaccine (Zostavax), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Although the vaccine is also approved for use in people ages 50 to 59 years, the CDC isn't recommending the shingles vaccine until you reach age 60.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Three and a Half Years After Open Heart Surgery

Have not posted in awhile!  That is good health news!  Too busy living life!  That is good!  How about a recap & look at life 3 1/2 years after open heart surgery!

Age I had open heart surgery - 57 years - 7 months
Age now - 61 years - 2 months

My health age 57 years - 7 months - could not walk around the block!
My health now - golf twice a week, walk 2-3 miles a day, cut grass, played senior softball, traveled to Scotland & Korea, work part time, and well, you get it, I'm living life.

In the past 3 1/2 years I have been at my son's weddings - Nov. 11, 2011 & Oct. 20, 2012
And, enjoyed birth of two granddaughters - July 30, 2012 & September 12, 2013!

Retired from educations June 2011!

Retired from coaching June 2012!

And played over 60 softball!

And enjoyed many, many, many round of golf!

Walked under an underground tunnel at the DMZ in Korea!

Toured castles, sipped whiskey, and counted sheep in Scotland!

Heart is feeling great, yesterdays exercise, a 60 minute walk started with a resting heart rate of 70 and got the heart rate up to 95-105.

I have battled Skin cancer the past 3 1/2 years.

Learned my liver needs some care & diet change!

And, will try to be more faithful on my Heart Blog!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Exercise and PVC's

Time to review PVC's!  As mentioned in my early blogs, I suffer from PVC's.  I could have had them my entire life, but my open heart surgery made me aware(and my doctors!) of them!  As a review on PVC's, take a look at the Cleveland Clinic Website:

Premature Ventricular Contractions

Remember, the Cleveland Clinic is the top heart hospital in the country!  As a review, this is how I discovered my PVC's:

1 - Had Quintuple Open Heart Surgery December 13, 2010.

2 - Began cardiac rehab, January 2011.  After second session was "kicked out" of rehab, because I was having PVC's during my exercise program.

3 - Had a second heart cath - all by-passes were working fine.

4 - Changed my beta-blocker Metoprolol from 25mg to 50mg to 100mg and continued to have PVC's.  And they seemed to occur at a lower heart rate.  First, the PVC's came at a heart rate of 95-100. Then, on 100mg, the PVC's came at 90-95.

5 - To make a long story, short, after experimenting with my metoprolol, we agreed on 25mg.  The more I used, the more lethargic I felt.  And the PVC's were not interfering with my exercise.  I just managing them and worked passed the PVC's.

After 3 and 1/2 years I still have the PVC's.  I wear a hear monitor - a Polar Watch with a band around my chest.  I know I have the PVC's, because the monitor goes crazy around 95 to 110 heart rate.  As I increase my pace, the monitor will read - 75 - 80 - 85 - 90 - 95 - 191!  If I back off my intensity to 90-95 heart rate, the PVC's stop!

So, I continue to exercise, but keep a watchful eye on my monitor.  I really do not "feel" the PVC's, but I get the strange reading on the heart monitor.

I continue to exercise and try to maintain a positive mental approach!  More on that later!

Monday, April 7, 2014

My Heart Blog - OVER 50,000 Views!

Another Big Day for My Heart Under Repair!!!


This has been a great experience after Open Heart By-Pass Surgery!!  Here are some stats!

Page Views is an interesting statistic!  Notice by far the largest view was Running After Open Heart Surgery!  I also had some communication with people about running.  As I have documented, people want to talk to people that have gone through Open Heart Surgery and get their feelings!

PVC's was another widely viewed topic!  This topic is not only fascinating, but confusing to the patient!  Many of us have had extra heart beats and never even new it!!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Heart News

One thing about aging, is it seems there is a new desire to learn about health!  One of the key elements of learning anything about your health is, be careful with internet resources!  Make sure you know the web site is reputable!  Check and re-check sources!

Here are a few samples:

Research - Science Daily

This site has some of the latest Heart News!  From Stem Cell research to diet news.  Insomnia and Stroke Risk, Depression and Heart Failure, and on and on…

American Heart Association

Of course, this is a very dependable site concerning heart issues!

So, just make sure what you are reading is reliable!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Reminder To Anyone With Heart Issues

A Reminder To Anyone With Heart Issues!

First,  if you have symptoms, get checked!  I was foolish for about 2-3 months!  I felt the following:

Tired - sluggish and just thought it was being 57 years old & busy!

Second,  Tightness in chest.  After mowing my yard, I was winded & had a tightness in my chest.  No pain, just a VERY tight & heavy feeling in my chest!

And third, just the slightest exercise was difficult!  This changed quickly!  I was doing my morning walks & felt fine, but sluggish three months prior to my check up.  But, each month & week that past, it changed to the last month I needed to stop in the middle of my walk.  The last few weeks, I had trouble taking a complete lap around the school that I worked!!  Going up a stairs was VERY difficult!!!

If I would have waited longer, what would I have missed?

1 - My older sons wedding

2 - My younger sons wedding

3 - The birth of my first grand daughter

4 - The birth of my second grand daughter

5 - Three & a half years of retirement!

So, get checked!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Three Years and Three Months After Open Heart Surgery

It is time to catch up on my heart!  Over the past year the focused has changed to liver issues and skin cancer!  As a quick recap:

1 - Liver!  During my heart doctor visits, the blood work showed some elevated issues for the liver. So, off to the liver doctor!  Results were….   Fatty-Liver Disease.  Stage 2 Fibrosis.  My latest tests are good & the doctor seems happy with the results.  Blood work shows levels are back to normal and no need to panic.  Watch diet(I have a big time sweet tooth), lose some weight(all doctors say this), and see liver doctor in 6 months.  The diet is good, weight is down 10-12 pounds.

2 - Skin cancer!  Finished my last PDT therapy & had 2 areas frozen.  To see analysis read my earlier blogs.  This was again a NEW experience!  All seems well and the doctors were happy with latest results. EVEN SAID I LOOK YOUNGER!!

Now, the HEART!!  This passed week visited my cardiologist. Here are the latest results & observations:

1 - Observation - started with a new cardiologist.  One of the biggest issues in medicine is change in doctors.  Overall, I have be fortunate.  This is why YOU need to keep a diary, blog, notebook, or something!  In the end, the only constant is YOU!

2 - Results of Blood Work: (Remember, just as a football game, NO FLAGS, is a GOOD THING!

EKG Result

Metabolic Panel

Cholesterol Panel

CBC Panel

Hepatitis Results

Saturday, February 15, 2014

My Second PDT Treatment

Heart is doing fine and I am one month away from my cardiologist appointment!  It will be 3 years & 3 months after my open heart surgery!  A lot has happened!  Now the latest on my second PDT Treatment!

Here is my skin care journey:

1 - Sept 7, 2013 - diagnosed with skin cancer

2 - Sept 24, 2013 - Squamous Cell removed

3 - Nov 20, 2013 - First PDT Treatment

4 - Dec 17, 2013 - Basal Cell removed

5 - Feb 11, 2014 - Second PDT Treatment

As a review - what is PDT Treatment?

PDT Treatment
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a treatment that uses a drug, called a photosensitizer or photosensitizing agent, and a particular type of light. When photosensitizers are exposed to a specific wavelength of light, they produce a form of oxygen that kills nearby cells.
Each photosensitizer is activated by light of a specific wavelength. This wavelength determines how far the light can travel into the body. Thus, doctors use specific photosensitizers and wavelengths of light to treat different areas of the body with PDT.

This time I took pictures at 24hrs, 48hrs, 72hrs, & 96hrs!  Have a look:
24 Hours
After 24 hours the treatment feels & looks like a severe sunburn!  Your skin is painful to touch.  You are  not allowed to be in sunlight, OR a lot of indoor lighting!  Did not take any pain medicine, but there is some pain during the first 24 hours!

48 Hours
Still a lot of redness!  The skin is still raw to the touch!  Using a lot of skin moisture cleanser.  Must still avoid sun exposure!

72 Hours
The redness is now disappearing.  And showering & cleaning face does not have as much pain!  Still have not shaved and will probably not shave for at least 2-3 more days!

96 Hours
The skin is starting to flake!!  I am losing the skin that was treated!  And the skin is itchy & starting to come off!  

The entire concept of the the treatment is to destroy the "pre-cancer" cells!  Hope it works!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Lastest Medication News & Health Updates!

It has been awhile - Took the month of January off!!

Here are some of my health updates & news:

1 - Medicine Changes:  Part of the fun of aging is the medicine we take!  I remember my mother!  She lived to be 86 & did not take ANY medication till she was 83!!  WAY TO GO MOM!!!  Your son, is not as lucky!!   Here is my list:

Aspirin - 81 mg-Daily
Montelukast - (was Singulair) - 10 mg-Daily
Pantoprazole - (was Nexium & was Aciphex) - 40 mg-Daily
     This is the new one that was changed by my liver doctor!
Atorvastatin - (was Lipitor) - 40 mg-Daily 
Metoprolol - 25 mg and Daily
Clopidogrel - (was Plavix) - 75 mg-Daily

Amlodipine - 5mg-Daily

So, that is 7!  Seven medicines that I take daily.  Here is how I started taking the medicines!

Atorvastatin - (was Lipitor)  I started this at about the age 51.  My cholesterol was high & and buy family doctor started the process!

Montelukast - (was Singulair)  I always has asthma & allergies.  Again, the family doctor suggested & the rest is history!  I do not have any allergies issues & my asthma is under control!  My doctor said it would be life changing and he was correct!

Pantoprazole - (was Nexium & was Aciphex)  Another from my family doctor!  Another life changer!  In my 40's I really started to suffer from stomach issues!  As my family doctor predicted, a life changer! This is my change as of this week!  I started with Aciphex and it worked!  The family doctor then changed to Nexium and it worked.  And now, Pantoprazole.  I will update soon!

After my heart survey:


I have had no real issues with these drugs.  For a time, as noted right after my open heart surgery, my doctors experimented with the Metoprolol.  I was having PVC issues & my dosage was raised, then lowered.  When I was taking 100 mg I was tired!  Now on 25 mg, I have more energy!

Next, Liver doctor results!