Thursday, March 27, 2014

Three Years and Three Months After Open Heart Surgery

It is time to catch up on my heart!  Over the past year the focused has changed to liver issues and skin cancer!  As a quick recap:

1 - Liver!  During my heart doctor visits, the blood work showed some elevated issues for the liver. So, off to the liver doctor!  Results were….   Fatty-Liver Disease.  Stage 2 Fibrosis.  My latest tests are good & the doctor seems happy with the results.  Blood work shows levels are back to normal and no need to panic.  Watch diet(I have a big time sweet tooth), lose some weight(all doctors say this), and see liver doctor in 6 months.  The diet is good, weight is down 10-12 pounds.

2 - Skin cancer!  Finished my last PDT therapy & had 2 areas frozen.  To see analysis read my earlier blogs.  This was again a NEW experience!  All seems well and the doctors were happy with latest results. EVEN SAID I LOOK YOUNGER!!

Now, the HEART!!  This passed week visited my cardiologist. Here are the latest results & observations:

1 - Observation - started with a new cardiologist.  One of the biggest issues in medicine is change in doctors.  Overall, I have be fortunate.  This is why YOU need to keep a diary, blog, notebook, or something!  In the end, the only constant is YOU!

2 - Results of Blood Work: (Remember, just as a football game, NO FLAGS, is a GOOD THING!

EKG Result

Metabolic Panel

Cholesterol Panel

CBC Panel

Hepatitis Results