Thursday, July 10, 2014

Three and a Half Years After Open Heart Surgery

Have not posted in awhile!  That is good health news!  Too busy living life!  That is good!  How about a recap & look at life 3 1/2 years after open heart surgery!

Age I had open heart surgery - 57 years - 7 months
Age now - 61 years - 2 months

My health age 57 years - 7 months - could not walk around the block!
My health now - golf twice a week, walk 2-3 miles a day, cut grass, played senior softball, traveled to Scotland & Korea, work part time, and well, you get it, I'm living life.

In the past 3 1/2 years I have been at my son's weddings - Nov. 11, 2011 & Oct. 20, 2012
And, enjoyed birth of two granddaughters - July 30, 2012 & September 12, 2013!

Retired from educations June 2011!

Retired from coaching June 2012!

And played over 60 softball!

And enjoyed many, many, many round of golf!

Walked under an underground tunnel at the DMZ in Korea!

Toured castles, sipped whiskey, and counted sheep in Scotland!

Heart is feeling great, yesterdays exercise, a 60 minute walk started with a resting heart rate of 70 and got the heart rate up to 95-105.

I have battled Skin cancer the past 3 1/2 years.

Learned my liver needs some care & diet change!

And, will try to be more faithful on my Heart Blog!