Saturday, December 13, 2014

Four Years After Open Heart ByPass Surgery!

Today. December 13, is 4 years after my open heart surgery.  I hope this blog has helped others!  I hope this blog has informed others!  I hope this blog hale ME stay focused!!!

Let's review the past four years!

1 - At age 57, my last year in education, I had a feeling!  It was gradual, and it progressed to the point I new I was in trouble!  Sometime around September-October, I was tired!  I felt, just typical for a guy who, was in his last year of education, still coaching, and doing too much!  The long days of 6 AM to 6   PM were starting to catch up to me!

And then, late October I new EXACTLY what it was!  A long time buddy had open heart in April!  All my reading & studying said, heart issues, a blockage!  I had teacher inservice classes to teach the first week of November, and I was determined to do this first!(STUPID).  I had trouble walking around the school!  I had trouble walking up steps!!!  After my inservice, I tried to walk around the block of my house, and had to stop several times!  It was time to call!

2 - Called  my wife & told her!  Called my doctor & he said see me right way!  To make a long story short - family doctor, to cardiologist, a heart cath & 3 blockages - 50%, 60% & 99%!!!!  WOW!

3 - Decided to pick a different doctor - my family doctor was affiliated with a certain hospital & I wanted another!  Fortunately, it was no problem!  I wanted the Heart Group with the MOST experience!  BUT, had to wait 3 weeks!  That meant, NO PHYSICAL activity!

4 - Heart Surgery! The mental prep was critical!  My faith was critical!  My family & friends were critical!  And the day arrived, Monday, December 13th, 2010!  Up early(5 AM), at hospital at 6 AM.  Nurses prepped me, that put me under & I'm on my way!!!  Plan was for 3 bypasses!

5 - Five - six hours later, I wake up!  WOW!  My back was killing me!  My throat was DRY.  And the breathing tube was still in my throat!!!  I WAS ALIVE!  THAT IS GOOD!

6 - Four days in the hospital, and each day was a journey.  Like I said, the first PAIN was my back!  My chest felt pretty good, except when sneezing or coughing! (GRAB THAT PILLOW)  My pain meds made me a little goofy!  Percocet!!  NOT GOOD!

7 - Home - first shower - AMAZING!  Getting dressed - WIFE HAD TO HELP!  Visits from home nurse & physical therapist were great!  Recovery was slow & steady!

8 - Cardiac Rehab!  Great people, great experience, lot's of learning, and a few set backs!!  Day 2 of rehab, kicked out!  Had PVC's.  Never had before, but no more rehab! More tests, nothing definite, back to rehab!  Still have PVC's!  Fooled with meds, had another heat cath, NOTHING!  Make a long story short, STILL have them 4 years later!

9 - Bought a heart monitor for exercise, and it will show me when I have PVC's usually at a heart rate around 110-120!

10 - Four years later, feel pretty good!  I really am doing anything I want, but no crazy physical things. Golfed 50 times this year, went to Scotland, played senior league softball, and walk regularly.  Still have not jogged a lot!

So, if you are having heart issues - GET CHECKED!  I was STUPID & LUCKY!