Friday, November 26, 2010

Day after Thanksgiving - Black Friday!

The heart is hanging in there. Made it through Thanksgiving diner! Seems to be holding at the same level & the tightness in the chest(no actual pain) seems to come after walking about 100 yards or carrying something that may be around 10 - 20 pounds for a little distance. I am doing a good job of keeping the Nitrostat pills in my pocket. The pills are .4 MG & you need to take them for chest pain. Take twice every 5 minutes & if it continues - GET TO HOSPITAL! So far I have not taken any pills!

So, continue to relax & do nothing! I'm beginning to study my new diet plan with a focus on NO Cholestrol! And research more cholesterol Meds. For the past 7 years I have been on 10 mg of lipitor a day & the past 3 years 10 mg of zetia. When I started lipitor I was watching my diet, but after a few years I started to eat more red meat & was not strictly reading labels. THIS WILL NEED TO CHANGE! I had fun the first 57 years, but the next 57 years need to be as cholesterol free as possible!

This is one to check out & ask questions:


Sometimes a low-fat diet and exercise alone are not enough. For people who have high cholesterol, their doctors may prescribe NIASPAN®. Along with diet, NIASPAN is FDA-approved to:

  • Slow the buildup or even help clear away some plaque that builds on artery walls – when used in combination with diet and a bile acid binding resin (another cholesterol medication) in patients who have a history of coronary artery disease and high cholesterol
  • Reduce the chance of having another heart attack in patients with a prior history of heart attack and high cholesterol
  • Help raise HDL (good) cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels in your blood
The website is NIASPAN.

Today is traditionally Thanksgiving Diner for the Albright side of the family - another turkey & more family fun. This is also the day we usually celebrate my sister's birthday & even though my heart is weak, I plan to annoy her anyway! My special gift for her today is an awesome Sponge Bob Birthday cake! Happy Birthday Ginny!

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