Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Latest From the Visiting Nurse Visit

Here are the latest results from the visiting nurse today:

Blood Pressure 112/62
Temperature 96.1 degrees - (I'm getting cooler all the time!)
Pulse - 72

I talked a little about the C-word - "constipation" and how the surgery & meds are changing my normal pattern! (I can't believe I'm discussing this with the world!)

Here is a great website on Constipation: (click on the word)

This happened to me after gall bladder surgery & is probably intensified because this operation is more severe & complex! Well today - SUCCESS! The day before I started taking - CareOne - Stool softener - three the day before & two on Wednesday! Here are a few tips that may also help the next few weeks"

1 - eat more fiber
2 - more physical activity
3 - drink more liquids
4 - take my Stool Softener

Another article that I found was this one on - "Constipation After Surgery"(click on the word)

Well, enough of this talk on my constipation, but remember when I started this blog I was going to share EVERYTHING! It's time to get our Christmas Cards finished - Sorry they are late! This is still going to be a great Christmas, even if some things are late!

Merry "Early" Christmas!

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