Thursday, December 2, 2010

Surgery - December 13, 2010!!!!

Here we go! Surgery on the December 13th! My appointment with Dr. Burlingame went well & I'm on my way to the repair on my heart to get back into my "normal life" again! Dr. Burlingame took time to discuss the entire procedure:

1 - Where the bypasses will be located
2 - How the procedure will take place
3 - What the hospital stay will like for 4-7 days
4 - Recovery at home & cardiac rehab
5 - And what will take place 3-6 months out

He then let me ask my questions. Of course I had many! Many of the normal questions: What meds will I be taking? When does rehab begin? When can I golf? And the last one kind of surprised him - Will I be able to Pole Vault again? After a little nervous laugh & a expression on his face that I did not see before, he said, "Why would you do that!"

The countdown is on again. 11 days till surgery. If you are counting, that is 28 days from my initial visit to my family doctor. Here is the timelime:

August 31 - 8 AM physical - passed & no problems!
September 27, 2010 - cutting grass & noticed a "tightness" in the chest.
October - noticed the tightness in the chest was coming more frequently
November - was still trying to avoid the issue & wanted to get passed Nov 12th workshops
November 16 - scheduled meeting with family doctor
November 19 - Heart Catheterization scheduled
December 2 - Heart Consultation
December 13 - HEART SURGERY


  1. Best of luck for your upcoming surgery, Jim. I am sure that you are scared and anxious but I know you are in good hands! My mom worked with Dr. B as a surgical nurse on the heart team and she has always spoken very highly of him.

    Here's to getting back on that pole really soon! (That might be easily misunderstood, but a funny visual, nonetheless!)

  2. Thanks for your support. My first meeting with Dr. B was great and I have all the confidence in the world in him! If you ever see him, do not mention pole vault - it might make his hands shake!

  3. Jim,
    We are sending you prayers each day. You are truly in great hands with Dr. B - he is one of the very best heart doctors in the country! My dad sends his prayers your way too. He had a triple bypass with Dr. B and had an amazing recovery at 76 years old. He played golf within a year. Please know that we are here for you....JJ
