Thursday, January 20, 2011

Electricity & Your Heart

Time for another lesson on your Heart. Here is what I have learned so far. And I'm keeping it simple, because I need to for myself!

There are two main parts of your heart when it comes to electricity - the SA Node and the AV node. SA(sinoatrial) Node and AV(atrioventricular) Node.

The SA node is located in the upper part of the heart. It sets the rhythm of your pulse. It is a group of cells that generate an electrical current. The SA node sends out a charge in intervals of say every second, that would be 6o beats per minute, that would be low. Mine is usually resting around 72, which I think is normal? Whenever the SA node sends out a charge that initiates the heartbeat.

The AV node is in the lower section of the heart.(I think that is where my issue is - will find out more next Tuesday). This AV node is a bundle of cells that sets the rhythm of your heart contractions. If this is off, the rhythm of the heart is off and with too many triggers, the right atrium can't contract fully each time, meaning it never gets a full pump of blood into right ventricle, and the body gets deprived of blood. (I think this may be my issue, the nurses always ask me if I feel light headed)

Well that is my simple diagnosis! I know the internet is a dangerous place, but is fun to try your doctor crazy!

The ironic thing is out 2nd car, the family van is having electrical problems, my diagnosis for this is the alternator? We will see if we can fix the car & my heart!


  1. Thanks for all the info, Jim. Keep us posted. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
    Rae Ann

  2. Thanks Rae Ann, going through this is always great to have ALL the thoughts & prayers!
    Hope you have an awesome sabbatical!

  3. Yeah Jim you almost have it. The SA node is the pacemaker of the heart - it is located in the top section. Then the current goes to the AV node which is in the middle of the heart at the top of the ventricles. After the AV node, the currents go down either ventricle to complete the circuit and thus resulting in a heartbeat.

    Arrhythmias - irregular heart beats - are a common complication after open heart. There are several reasons you could be having ventricular irregularity - abnormal postassium, abnormal magnesium, anemic (low Hemoglobin), stress, fatigue, caffeine, abnormal sleep patterns (such as sleep apnea), etc.

    Open heart is a big surgery - a lot of intervention was done to the normal anatomy to repair the problems of your heart. The natural process of healing is that your tissues heal from the bottom to the top of the skin surface. So, it takes time (usually 6 months) for all of the body parts to settle down and be healed completely.

    Hang in there - I know you will !

    Love ya - Ginny

  4. Hi Jim,

    I wanted to let you know that you are always on our minds. My family continues to say prayers for you each day! Stay strong and focused. Your blog is very informative. Great job...

  5. Thanks Joanne! Still working on getting healthy! Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts & prayers! Still have a little electrical issue to deal with, hope to get some ideas next week!
