Monday, January 10, 2011

Four Weeks and Counting!

It has been four weeks since my open heart surgery. Here is the latest:

1 - After two months - I drove the car for the first time today!
Remember, when I had my Heart Cath back in November my cardiologist said I should not drive and most doctors say do not drive till 4 weeks after surgery. Well today was my first day back behind the wheel & my wife Sue gave me a passing grade!

2 - Sleeping - I went to bed at 12:00 & slept till 7:30 AM! That was my first full night sleep since my surgery! I still am sleeping on the chair in the family room, but that was a big step!

3 - The meds seem to be going well, and I have been taking them three times a day - after breakfast(around 8 AM), after lunch(around 2 PM) and after supper)around 8 PM)

4 - Purchased a blood pressure device(after the constant nagging of my sister Ginny!) and my blood pressure this morning was 102/72 with a pulse rate of 72.

5 - This week I have two sessions of cardiac rehab - Tuesday & Thursday.

6 - Reducing the pain medicine to twice a day - 7 AM & 7 PM. The main pain I feel is located at the zipper in my chest. It is a dull pain & a feeling of numbness around the incision. My left arm is without any pain, the right leg at times has a slight burning sensation in my lower shin & some numbness in that area.

After four weeks I am getting my energy back and feel more "with it." Mentally I am able to focus more and have more ability to stay focused for a longer period of time. I have tried to maintain a focus on being a good patient & tried to do the right things that would take me back to normal activity.

Could not have accomplished this without all the prayers & support! Friends, family, school friends, my church have all contributed to this day! Thanks for all the support!

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