Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011!

Here we are, 2010 is behind us & the date is 1-1-11! What did I learn from 2010 & what do I share with others concerning my health & your health for 2011?

First, when it comes to health, YOU know if something is wrong. Remember, my experience & many of you may have similar stories. I had my physical in August of 2010 & all seemed to be OK. In September, while mowing my lawn I noticed a "tightness" in my left side of my chest. I tried to ignore, fight through it, thinking it will pass. It did not & the problem seemed to get worse! Continued through October & I continued to try to get to the next day, next week, next month! It was my last year in education, I had teacher workshops in November, I had track season coming, I had many reasons to ignore and try to push through the issue. I WAS LUCKY! AND STUPID!

When I finally told my wife Sue & made an appointment with my family doctor, the pressure was off & the professionals took over! Again, here is the time-line:

November 16, 2010 - Family Doctor Appointment - Mountville Family Practice
November 17, 2010 - Cardiologist Appointment - Dr. Smith
November 19, 2010 - Heart Cath & result was "Triple" Bypass needed
November 19, 2010 - Decided to go to Lancaster General, instead Lancaster Regional
November 19, 2010 - scheduled appointment with Cardi0cthoracic Surgeons of Lancaster
December 2, 2010 - had my initial consult with Dr. Burlingame
December 10, 2010 - pre-op testing for surgery at Lancaster General Downtown Pavilion
December 13, 2010 - Heart Surgery - went from a triple to quintuple bypass
December 17, 2010 - Home from surgery
December 29, 2010 - 1st meeting with Cardiac rehab & last meeting with Dr. Burlingame
And here we are January 1, 2011! If you are counting, that is 45 days after the visit with my family doctor. 17 days after my surgery.

I will maintain this blog for 2011. For two reasons. First, for myself, to keep me disciplined in my NEW lifestyle - diet, exercise, emotional, physical & spiritual growth! And second, share my journey with others. In this journey my goals are to keep you informed, maybe share similar experiences, and of course thank you for your support & prayers!

A Happy & HEALTHY New Year to all!!!

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