Monday, January 31, 2011

Seven Weeks After Open Heart Surgery!

Today I will be 7 weeks out from open heart surgery. Here are some observations:

New Meds: - after surgery
(me toe' proe lole) Still taking one a day - 25 mg
(am loe' di peen) Still taking one a day - 5 mg
Clopidogrel - Plavix
(kloh pid' oh grel) Still taking one a day - 75 mg
The meds before surgery have been changed slightly:
Old Meds - before heart surgery
Singulair - 10 mg a day (same)
Aciphex - 20 mg a day (same)
Lipitor - 10 mg a day (my cardiologist told me to double dosage again - 40 mg a day)
Low Dosage Aspirin - 81 mg

I am continuing to heal. Here is a detailed comment on all:
The artery from my leg(from my groin to an inch below my knee) has healed completely. Still have the numbness in my lower shin area.
The artery from my left arm (from my left wrist to my elbow) has also healed, the pain is not very noticeable when I stretch my left wrist.
All the surgical holes in my belly & neck are looking good, and the ones in the neck are hard to even see.
The major incision(10" zipper) is still sore and is is tender at least 2 inches on either side of the incision. It still has a numbness on either side of the incision.

I am now taking 1 tablet (500 mg each) tylenol PM, around 10 PM to sleep through the night. Last night I tried to not take the pill and I was up around 3 AM & could not go back to sleep. so I will probably take one tablet tonight.

Still working on eating low cholesterol & low fat. So far so good. Sue and I are reading labels & eating "heart" healthy. Since the surgery I originally lost about 15 pounds, but I now put 5 pounds back on (I NEED THE EXERCISE!). Super Bowl Party will be a special menu, we got the ideas from Sue's Willow Valley job that had one of their chefs do a special night dedicated to the Super Bowl! GO PACKERS!!!! (I will have one brats!) More to come later in the week about our Super Bowl Menu!

Mental Approach:
Still trying to stay positive and on a routine! Getting back to cardiac rehab will be great - starts Tuesday! We will see how the heartbeat reacts to exercise and I will not try to race the other rehab patients!


  1. 7 weeks - way to go - you are doing great!!!

    One of the tough things with the post op patients today is that everyone goes home so much earlier than 5-10 years ago. In the past, CABG patients would be in ICU 4-5 days, then transferred to telemetry floor for another 3-4 days and then a regular floor for approx. another 4 days. So, the majority of patients would have a hospital stay close to 3 weeks.

    There is nothing like being at home - but you really have to take into account how you are thrown in your home environment, unsupervised and alone without medical support.

    You have done a great job Jim!!!

    Have a great day at rehab - you will be fine!!!!

    Love ya - Ginny

  2. We have learned so much by following your blog. You have been through so much and are such an inspiration.
    Good luck with rehab! Control that competitive inner self and remember the teacher in you that doesn't want the other patients feel bad:)

  3. Good advice! That's why this blog is great, I get free coaching! And today's rehab went well!

  4. I had surgery Jan 2020, I try to find out what exercise you need to do the 2nd, 3rd, ---7th week you should be doing its hard. 3rd week, 5 minutes, 4 times a day tread mill 1.00 miles hour. 6 the week 8 minutes 4 times a day treamill 1.5, plus light aerobics, only light and legs only. My doctor said, you need take it a little lighter, what does that mean? I'm not geared to sit here in the house, I'm 74 run a fishing business, that takes work. I love to work.
