Monday, January 24, 2011

Six Weeks Our From Surgery!

Today I will be 6 weeks out from open heart surgery. Here are some observations:

New Meds: - after surgery
(me toe' proe lole) Still taking one a day - 25 mg
(am loe' di peen) Still taking one a day - 5 mg
Clopidogrel - Plavix
(kloh pid' oh grel) Still taking one a day - 75 mg
The meds before surgery have been changed slightly:
Old Meds - before heart surgery
Singulair - 10 mg a day (same)
Aciphex - 20 mg a day (same)
Lipitor - 10 mg a day (my cardiologist told me to double dosage - 20 mg a day)
Zeitia - 10 mg a day (my cardiologist told me to stop)
Low Dosage Aspirin - 81 mg

I am healing well! All the surgical holes are looking great! The "zipper" (which I just measured at 10"), is really looking great! Here is a detailed comment on all:
The artery from my leg(from my groin to an inch below my knee) has healed completely. I still have some numbness on the lower left shin.
The artery from my left arm (from my left wrist to my elbow) has also healed, and the is a little pain at times when I stretch my left wrist.
All the surgical holes in my belly & neck are looking good, and the ones in the neck are hard to even see.
The major incision(10" zipper) is still sore and is is tender at least 2 inches on either side of the incision. It also has a numbness on either side of the incision.

I am still taking 2 tablets (500 mg each) tylenol PM, around 10 PM to sleep through the night. Last night I slept in the bed for the first time, but did not sleep well - so I will probably head back to the recliner tonight. Ever since I have taken the tylenol PM, sleeping through the night has been possible. I should have done this a least two weeks earlier!

The main focus on eating is on my new diet - low cholesterol & low fat. So far so good. Sue and I are reading labels & eating "heart" healthy. Since the surgery I have lost about 15 pounds. Going out to eat is more difficult & some restaurants are more user friendly. Super Bowl Parties take more thinking & I hope to post our "heart" healthy menu later!

Mental Approach:
This one takes constant focus. Like I said yesterday was my first trip to church. The main issue I have is dealing with so many people and just trying to blend in. I know all the people mean well, but sometimes you just want to try to not have to talk a lot about things. But, many people have helped in in recovery in both actions & prayers and they need to talk also. I'm trying to gradually melt into my normal life again! The next big step will be going back to school & coaching. On a day-today basis, now that I'm feeling better, trying to do simple jobs - right now it is painting the woodwork in the house & the normal house chores.

Tuesday 2PM is my next doctors appointment & will see if we can make some progress with my electrical issues & go back to rehab.

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