Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The "Spiritual" Side of Open Heart Surgery

I cannot fathom going through life without faith. Just like many other people, when facing situations like open heart surgery, we ask why me! That is what being human is all about & I think what our faith is all about. Instead of trying to solve all our problems ourselves, it is in God's hands!

When you look at a sunset, fall in love, see your sons being born, and many other aspects of our life to me faith is a "no brainer" - God is in control. But, as a human, doubt & questioning are also part of who we are and the dialogue (prayer) we have with God each day is what keeps us going!

For the past 57 years, just like most people, when things are good, faith is easy! But, when we hit those speed bumps in life we question - "why me?". Well, facing open heart surgery is one of those big "why me" moments! Why me - I'm only 57! Why me - this is my last year in education! Why me ? To me that is why our Christian faith is so special.

If you take time to do devotions & read the Bible, there are many great lessons, this is one I discovered this week:
Matthew 26:39

And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”

Not as I will, but as You will!

I do not need help, family, friends, God - I can get through this myself!

Being a full-blooded American male this hits home! We can do it ourselves! (Not true) I needed to have the help of an awesome medical staff - Dr. Burlingame lead the way. I cannot perform open heart surgery on myself! Friends & family can help - my church prayed for me & had dinners delivered, my family helped around the house, my "zipper club" friends called & discussed their own personal stories, friends from school emailed, sent cards, & prayed for me, and many others assisted to help me get through the surgery.

And my wife - Wow! Thirty-five years ago I chose wisely. Sue was incredible! Still working full time, making sure I behaved myself, with me in the hospital, helping me shower, dress me, and love me "in good times & bad" Those marriage vows we take in church mean so much more! I have be blessed!

Our church, Redeemer Lutheran, has been very supportive. One day, in the hospital, Marsh Anderson & Al Rineer visited me. Al, sharing my love of the Civil War, brought in a book for me to read. Marsh gave me communion. The communion is just what I needed, while the tubes were pumping medicine into my veins, the communion was pumping God's love! That is faith in action! What a gift I received from my friends, church, family, doctors, nurses and.....

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16

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