Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Activity Guidelines For Post Open Heart Surgery

Well, I really thought I was doing a good job after my open heart surgery. But, just received this paper yesterday at Rehab! Should have received this about 7 weeks ago! Now, remember this is my seventh week out from surgery on December 13th, 2010. Here are the guidelines and my comments. Blue comments mean I'm good & Red comments mean I screwed up!

Activity Guidelines For Post Open Heart Surgery

1 - Car Washing (after 3 months)
(the only washing I ever do is drive through a car wash!)

2 - Car Waxing (after 3 months)
(see above)

3 - Climbing Ladders (after 3 months)
(no problem, it's winter time & ladders are somewhere in the garage)

4 - Driving (Physician to approve driving. Airbags not an issue. Push front seat back completely.)
(I was good here, waited for doctor! But if I push my front seat back completely - cannot reach the pedal!)

5 - Golf (Putt after 10 weeks. Driving after 3 months)
(OK, messed up here! I was putting in the family room after 4 weeks! - Will be OK with driving the golf ball after 3 months - first golf outing will be Easter Monday - April 25th! -4 months & 12 days)

6 - Mowing the lawn (Push, self propelled after 10 weeks, riding mower when driving.
(No problem with this, 8 inches of snow on the ground & it's February!)

7 - Raking leaves - (OK after 3 months)
(see 6 above)

8 - Snow Blowing - (OK after 3 months)
(Do not own a snow blower, but I know what I'm getting for my birthday)

9 - Snow Shoveling - NEVER
(OK, I confess I already messed up on this one, but I have been careful!) And what does never mean!!! Am I allowed to shovel in my garden? Could I use my pitching wedge from my golf bag to move snow? Need to discuss with my cardiologist!)

10 - Swimming - (Laps after 3 months, casual swimming once scabs completely off & incision well healed)
(Good on this one, do not like to swim laps & the only swimming I do is on vacation)

11 - Tennis - (After 3 months - start with doubles)
(Have not played tennis in years)

12 - Hunting - OK after 8 weeks
(see #11 above)

13 - Outside Bicycle - OK after 8-10 weeks if using an upright position. Minimal weight on arms.
(see #6 above)

14 - Crunches - OK after 12 weeks
(I cannot work on my "6 pack" for another 5 weeks)

That is it. That was the handout I received yesterday. I have been pretty good, except for the snow shoveling! I will try to stop this activity, but ask my doctor why this is the only activity that listed NEVER!!!!


  1. Guess what Jim - if you have a medical condition and the instructions are to NEVER do that activity - YOU NEVER DO IT - GIVE IT UP!!!! You have shoveled more than your share in your life. Get a freaking snow blower and suck it up!

    You now have a healthy blood system with your heart and why put more pressure and stress upon it? Relax and play some tennis or golf - HA! HA!

    Ask any nurse or doctor - snow shoveling creates a lot of activity in the ER's, interventional cardiology units where the angioplasties are done, and the CCU's. Cold weather constricts your blood vessesl normally. Then, you are going to add strenuous activity on the compromised circulation - this is a time bomb! Get a freaking snow blower and look pretty - not only will I buy you moisturizer, I will buy you some chap stick!!!!

    What would you do without me??? HA! HA!

    I am really enjoying this post op phase with my big bro!

    Love ya - Ginny

  2. OK, so part of our health coverage in "Obamacare" should be keep our kids on to age 26 and.....

    If you have open heart bypass surgery....
    1 - you get hand cleaner for life
    2 - you get a snow blower for life
    3 - you get free nursing advice from you sister
    4 - and a 52" flat screen to watch football & the eating healthy heart channel!!

  3. Jim you really have mom's spirit in you!!! HA! HA! I think you should write for a small newspaper - your wit is terrific!!! Mom is smiling down from heaven.

    I am just so proud of you. Having a medical condition is stressful and challenging to keep a positive outlook on life. But, you must have levity to handle it all. Our mom and Aunt Peg gave us the exposure of laughing at and with life. We were very fortunate to have all of those humorous times together.

    Whenever I read your blog - I am belly laughing out loud by myself after work - sitting on the sofa - Bill and the kids look at me and say "What did Jim comment today"?

    Thanks Jim for your spirit - love ya - Ginny

    Love ya - Ginny
