Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cardiac Rehab #8

Today was a make up session from earlier in the month. When I had my first sessions canceled, I missed the 4th learning session. Here are the Sessions for Learning:

#1 - Guidelines Following Open Heart Surgery

#2 - Coronary Heart Circulation Lesson

#3 - Nutrition Lesson

#4 - The Importance of Exercise Lesson

Each session was well done and lasted one hour. There was a powerpoint presentation and then time for questions. Handouts were also provided for take home reading material. Again, the cardiac rehab is well done and the coordination between the rehab personnel and the Heart Group has been very good. The nurses and physical trainers work well together and make the patients feel welcomed.

On a personal level my workouts are going well. I'm trying to keep my workouts heart rate around 95-105. For my age level, my target heart rate for exercise is 83-140. I will discuss my next week heart levels on Friday this week. I'm still suffering from by PVC's and today had a run of 3-4 in a row. I'm beginning to feel them and when I do, I back off the exercise.

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