Monday, February 7, 2011

Eight Weeks After Open Heart Surgery

It has been 8 Weeks After Open Heart Surgery! And today I finished my sixth cardiac rehab session. I also had an appointment with my family doctor. Right now the communication is between - Cardiologist - Heart Rehab - Family Doctor. Today I needed to check when I am able to get back to work, as of now I'. scheduled to start back Wednesday, February 16th. So, I asked my family doctor and he told me to ask my cardiologist. So, we are still waiting on that answer. Of course, my heart feels a lot better today after the PACKERS became Super Bowls Champs!

New Meds: - after surgery
Metoprolol Still taking one a day - 25 mg
Amlodipine Still taking one a day - 5 mg
Plavix Still taking one a day - 75 mg
Old Meds - before heart surgery
Singulair - 10 mg a day (same)
Aciphex - 20 mg a day (same)
Lipitor - 40 mg a day (this new dossage seems OK)
Low Dosage Aspirin - 81 mg

I am continuing to heal. Here is a detailed comment on all:
The artery from my leg(from my groin to an inch below my knee) has healed completely. Incisions all look great. Still have the numbness in my lower shin area.
The artery from my left arm (from my left wrist to my elbow) has also healed, the pain is not very noticeable when I stretch my left wrist. Incisions looking good.
All the surgical holes in my belly & neck are looking good, and the ones in the neck are hard to even see.
The major incision(10" zipper) still sore and is is tender at least 2 inches on either side of the incision. It still has a numbness on either side of the incision.

Stopped taking 1 tablet (500 mg each) tylenol PM. Not sleeping great, but only wake up usually one time a night. Also, when I get up, I do not feel as drowsy.

Still working on eating low cholesterol & low fat. So far so good. We tried a special Super Bowl good heart menu(Except for one brats!) This is still one of the hardest things to do, it was our party so we cooked, but going to other people's homes. going out to eat, and avoiding my old comfort foods is difficult. BUT - I'm trying to be good!

Mental Approach:
Still trying to stay positive and on a routine! This is also very difficult. Now, with the PVC's (extra heart beats) I really have trouble knowing how much to push myself. And still working on relaxing & prayer! I'm coming to a time where I need to make changes in my schedule - work - coaching - church committees - and other responsibilities. Something will need to go in the next few weeks!

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