Friday, February 4, 2011

Heart Rehab #5

Today I finished Heart Rehab #5. The nurses again showing some concern with my Bigeminy. Apparently, the extra beats were showing up a little more than they like, one point there were 4 to 5 in a row. So, they are going to send the results to one of my cardiologists, Dr. Worley. My next appointment with him is scheduled for March 8 & they did not seem happy with that.

Found some interesting questions about what they call a Run of PVC's at the Cleveland Clinic.

Many people seem to suffer from different types of PVC's or a "run of extra heart beats" Right now I am confused & do not know what to expect. Also, it has hampered my cardiac rehab. I am not walking much at home & have not pushed myself at rehab. Today I got my heartbeat up to around 100-103 and did not feel stressed, but the extra bears were in there & I do not what to push beyong that heart rate. Of course, it is back to the waiting game, I will still be going to rehab next week, but now wait to see when I can see the cardiologist again.

Here are a few interesting web site on Bigeminy & PVC's:

Heart Rhythm Community

Premature Ventricular Contractions

Medicine Net - PVC's

1 comment:

  1. This is a very common problem post op with CABG patients. During the OR, the heart is basically asleep while you are put on the heart lung machine (bypass machine). Once the surgery is complete your heart has to be shocked to start back up - just like you would give the car battery a jump.

    The heart as you learned has an electrical conduction system. So, after it is jumped to come back to the real world - it can have problems with abnormal beats and the electrical pathways going different ways.

    What usually happens believe it or not - it usually just takes time and your heart resolves itself and gets back into a regular rhythm.

    The body is an amazing thing - it can heal itself.

    But in the meantime - you need to keep in contact with cardiac rehab. This is why I love cardiac rehab as they are right on top of any abnormal issues developing post op.

    Be strong and just give yourself time- I know you are tired of waiting - but patience is a virtue James - you can do it!!!

    Develop a hobby-remember when you would build those damn models?

    You will be fine - hang in there-love ya - Ginny
