Monday, February 14, 2011

Nine Weeks After Open Heart Bypass Surgery

Another week has passed and it has been 9 weeks after my by pass surgery. From my last report, here are some changes:

1 - Sleeping in own bed through the night (unless the dogs wake us up!)
2 - Started to do upper body & leg work at rehab (upper body around 8-12 pounds)
3 - Weight has stabilized at around 186 (need more exercise) (goal is 175)
4 - Diet has stayed on target (very limited red meat & no chocolate)
5 - Still have PVC's (extra heart beat & now I think I can feel them at around 100-110 heart beats
6 - Starting to get in the back to work schedule - up around 6 AM & sleep around 11 PM

I will add more walking this week now that the temperatures are in the 40 degree range. Hope to get at least one hour total per day, maybe divide up into segments. As part of the cardiac rehab, we are supposed to take our pulse rate before, in the middle, and at the end of the work out. Still have trouble doing this accurately.


  1. hello there..
    im glad i found your blog since i can relate especially that my father aged 56 had his open heart bypass last jan 19 2011.Right now, he is in his phase 2 cardiac rehab. 2 weeks ago he had his stress to check if he passed for the phase 2 rehab.fortunately he did, however, he had some pvs, some are bigeminy and couplets. we went to my father's cardiologist. the dr ordered some test to chek if there some factors that affects the abrnomal electrical of the heart. after cheking all the lab results, they are in normal range..but the doctor did not tell us if the pvs of my dad are just benign or if life threatening...have you been through this too?

  2. Great to have you find my blog! I was doing this to healp people and to help myself learn more about my heart.

    I had my first run of PVC's during my 2nd cardiac rehab. Nurses stopped me & sent me back to my cardiologist. If you have a couple extra beats (PVC's) they do not worry, but when you have a run (3-4 in a row) they get concerned. Apparently, you could pass out!

    Went back to the cardiologist & he did another stress test & heart cath. I had a run of 3-4 during the stress test, when my heart rate got to 110. The heart cath showed all the bypasses were working, so they sent me back to rehab.

    Been there for 3 weeks & I'm still having PVC's & sometimes I still have a run of 3-4. My next cardiologist appointment is March 8, so I will continue rehab till that time.

    I am nervous about the PVC's, but I feel good otherwise. Good luck with your father and stay in touch with my blog.
