Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday & Snow!

Another reminder of my next birthday present - snow blower. Since snow shoveling is on the list of NEVER DO AGAIN, we need to purchase one for the Albright Estate! Sue shoveled & I cleaned off the cars. What a team! We had about 4 inches & it was a light snow, so the job was not as difficult as it could have been!
Hope to take a least 2 walks today of 10-15 minutes each.

Diet - this is what I had yesterday:
Breakfast - Oatmeal & glass of orange juice
Lunch - Turkey Sandwich on wheat & banana
Supper - Went to Willow Valley with Sue. Once a month they have a "Healthy Cooking" Demo. The chef prepared a meal for us & gave us the recipes for each part of the meal. Here is the meal, if you want the recipes let me know!
1 - Wild Rice with dried Cranberries and Walnuts
2 - Roasted Breast of Chicken with Port Wine Sauce
3 - Thyme Braised Brussels Sprouts (NOT BAD - BUT NOT MY FIRST CHOICE)
4 - Chocolate Decadence - (OH BABY - DID NOT EAT - CAFFEINE!!!)

The chef does a great job cooking with natural things a low fat & heart healthy choices.

Blood pressure last night was 109/70 and pulse was 72.

I have scheduled lunch Friday with one of my "zipper club" buddies Terry Shuman. We will get together & share our notes and solve all world problems. So if the world looks better over the weekend we did our job, if not it's someone else fault!

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