Monday, March 14, 2011

13 Weeks After Open Heart Bypass Surgery

Another milestone approaching - it is the 3 month check up with the cardiologist at the Heart Group. It will be my first meeting with Dr. Marwaha - see his bio at: Heart Group our Team.

The website for the Heart Group is at:
Heart Group of Lancaster General Health

This will be my first meeting with him and I am coming up with a list of questions:

What are my expectations 3 months after surgery? Work, exercise, etc...

What about my meds? My heart related meds:
40 mg - daily of Lipitor
81 mg of aspirin
50 mg of Metoprolol (this was increased to help with PVC's)
75 mg of Plavix (how long will I continue this?)
5 mg of Amlodipine (can I stop this med?)

And what about my other meds?
20 mg of aciphex (for my stomach)
10 mg of Singulair (for my allergies & asthma)

Have you discussed my PVC runs with Dr. Worley?

Paperwork that I received from my Cardiac Nurses?

What will I be able to do in 6 months, 1 year, etc. Jog, running, athletically?

Dr. Worley has me scheduled for another stress test in September - checking PVC's?

Next meeting with Dr. Marwatha?

My plan is to get to know my new doctor and try to build a doctor - patient relationship that is good!

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