Monday, March 21, 2011

14 Weeks After Open Heart Bypass Surgery

Fourteen weeks after surgery I am at the point where sometimes I forget I had the surgery! That is good & bad. Here are a few of the issues at this time in recovery.

Physical Issues
I am increasing my lifting at cardiac rehab. In the use of free weights, I have progressed to using dumbbells for side stretch, curls, bent rowing, and other exercises. Wall pushups(I can hardly wait to try a regular push up!), squats, leg extensions & leg curls are also part of the routine. So, we are increasing weights and making progress. All my incisions - leg, arm, chest are healing well & the only discomfort I feel is in my chest incision. I still have some numbness & soreness about inch on either side of the incision. I also feel some discomfort when I try to sleep on my side. When I roll over, the area around the incision is sore.

The cardiac rehab with the machines is progressing. I can do more time on each machine, but I feel the PVC's at around 95-105. I push through the PVC's and try to keep my heart rate below 110, so I do not have any runs & scare the nurses. Walking outside I go for 15-20 minutes and the only issue is with hills, again I feel a "flutter" sensation in my heart & when I do I back off the pace.

I seem to be OK with the meds I am taking & have no noticeable side affects. Here is my current list:
Heart Meds:
1 - 81 mg aspirin daily
1 - 40 mg tablet of lipitor daily
1 - 5 mg tablet of Amlodipine daily
1 - 75 mg tablet of Plavix daily
1 - 50 mg tablet of Metoprolol daily
Other Meds
1 - 20 mg tablet of Aciphex
1 - 10 mg tablet of Singulair

I am behaving myself - I think! Although my weight is still around 185 (my goal is 170). I am avoiding trans fats & cholesterol. The only time I have had red meat (usually once per week) I have the lean hamburger. Eating oatmeal every morning & apples & bananas. Sometimes I will have cereal - usually Cheerioes! If I have a sandwich for lunch it is turkey or tuna on wheat bread. I eat fish about twice a week & salads when we go out to eat. As a snack I have tried Angel Food cake with fruit. No chocolate, candy bars, or ice cream! (This is brutal!) I probably will try cutting back on portions in the next few weeks. Also, have given up caffeine!

This is something I will research more. One of my problems before the operation I'm sure was schedule & too many activities. I have cut back, but starting back to work & other obligations may push me a bit till retirement.
Work - usually wake up at 5:30 AM and to work by 6:30 AM & work to 3 PM.
Coaching - coach tarck and field from 3 - 6 PM
Church - President of Council & meetings 2-3 times a month
Family - boys & helping - Jared & moving & help with logistics of the Army life. And Josh, with his busy life with working & his music.
Home - maintaining the home - yard work, painting, repair, remodeling, etc. And taking care of our two grand dogs - Otis & Lyla!
Retirement - getting ready for retirement & the financial concerns of retirement.

So, one of my main focuses the next two-three months will be stress management! I retire in June & will attempt to be aware of my recovery & how it relates to not trying to do too much!


  1. Ah, yes the "honey-do list"!!! My stress level just kicked it up a notch!
