Thursday, March 3, 2011

Blood Work Day

Today is a big day for my BLOOD! I am anxious to see many readings Cholestorol, Magnesium, Potasium, etc, According to my research and my sister the nurse(Thanks Ginny!) I should get a copy to bring home. The following changes have been made in my medicines since my last blood tests:

Zetia - stopped completely. Dr. Worley says there is not enough evidence that this helps, while my PA at the Mountville Family practice thinks the research says they do. I will go with the Cardiologist.

Lipitor - have gone from 10 mg to 40 mg per day. My sister said that the cardiologists will do this. Their philosophy is the more the better. I think my body is handling this although my back pain is up. I have always had back pain, but the past few days it has been bad. The pain is right below my neck, between my shoulder blades. Will ask the doctors about this.

Metoprolol - Have increased from 25 mg to 50 mg. This is the experiment with the PVC's. The Stress Test Monday showed a run of 4 when my heart rate was up at 130. Before the medicine change I had a run of 4 at 110 and at rehab, February 11th (20 days ago) I had a run of 6! Of course I am anxious to see what Dr. Worley will say from the results of the stress test.

I am beginning to make another list of questions for Dr. Worley on Tuesday next week. Below is my list so far.

1 - Is the increase in Metoprolol working? And will we keep it the same?

2 - When can I return to Cardiac Rehab?

3 - How does my blood test look? Magnesium, Potassium, etc.....

4 - When can I return to work?

5 - What is my risk now?

6 - Is my back pain related to the increase in lipitor?

7 - Are there any other procedures?

If anyone has anymore questions for me just let me know. If you cannot comment on the blog, send me an email at -



  1. Please get the results of your labs! Honestly, I had said this earlier - you do not need an advanced medical degree to learn how to read the lab results and what the results mean. Are you going to pick up the results tomorrow? PLEASE DO!! I will teach you!
    The lipitor is at a much higher dose - to be honest with you - most patients do get the body aches. So, your cholesterol medication needs to be addressed. There are so many meds out there being used to lower the cholesterol.
    I know you are getting tired of all of this and disappointed that things have gone on past what you were expecting. But, I need to play the "Rocky" music in the background to pump you up big bro-keep on fighting to get the right medical regime that will work for you! You will be fine - but again you need to fight on behalf of yourself to be your best advocate! You deserve the best - so go for it! If things are not working out for you- get to a situation that will deliver the positive results you deserve! We all have ur back but you have to take the initial steps.
    I am looking forward to hearing what the cardiologist said after ur visit next week.

    Take care - love ya - Ginny

  2. Blood Results are on the way - they mail them to you.

    Feeling better today, the pain in the neck has gone - used an old fashioned hot water bottle & that was the ticket.

    Yes - I'm anxious for the Tuesday meeting.

    If you have any more questions that I should ask the cardiologist, let me know.


  3. Hello there..

    Ive been busy and this is the only time i got the chance to check your blog..

    Well, i read what you wrote about pain in your neck and somewhere in your shoulder blades which my dad had experience that one too. According to my dad's surgeon, it is usual thing happened especially those who had a surgery that takes more than 5 hours since the position of the patient during the operation was supine at the same time the arms are extended at the side which can result to a muscle pain.You can also ask your doctor to about the pain you feel..

    Hope things will go better, just keep that faith!

  4. Ask doctor and check WWW…
    CoQ10 like vitamin supplement 200mg helps to reduce muscle pain for persons on statin and helps reduce cholesterol level

    Big Bro

  5. This is what is awesome about blogging - you have family, friends, & people you don't even know pulling for you!

    Brother & Sis - the blood test results are on the way & should be in the mail soon and the CoQ10 just came in the mail from Sue's sister Nancy. Will ask about it on Tuesday with the cardiologist.

    And to my Anonymous friend - thanks for the comments about back pain. I do forget (on purpose) that the operation put my body through some "strange" angles, nothing to say what the heart has been through!

    Thanks to all!
