Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cardiac Rehab Locker Room Talk

Today after rehab I had a chance to talk to a bunch of my cardiac rehab buddies. I am always amazed to hear the stories. Here are just a few:

Story 1
This fellow rehab buddy had a brand new procedure performed by my surgeon group - Cardiothoracic Surgeons of Lancaster. This procedure was for open heart bypass surgery using the new robotic procedure. Take a look at the procedure at the Cleveland Clinic & view the video.
This procedure is less invasive, no need to open the chest cavity - you only need a small incision to insert the robotic arms! (I missed this one because of the location & number of bypasses - lucky me!). The scar is just about 3 inches under the left chest plate.

Story 2
A navy vet, has had a bad valve replaced with a mechanical valve. He had this problem from birth, but did not realize it and he is now 61 years old! He said during midget sports, he was always sent for a special physical to get permission and the doctors always said he could play, but did not know way he had irregular heart beats. He joined the Navy and had issues, but they said he was allowed to serve. Finally, with todays medical advances, they noticed the issue - bad heart valve! He had it replaced and is good to go!

Story 3
After the surgery of this patient, the doctor noticed a eagle tatoo, that the patient had across his chest from his time in the service. After the surgery, the doctor took and extra hour to sew the incision back very carefully do the eagle was lined up on both sides of the chest! That is what you call great service!

Story 4
While in Jamaica, the patient had a heart attack, in fact he had several! He did not want to go to the Jamaican hospital, so he flew home to Lancaster, PA! He did not want to risk heart surgery in Jamaica! It seems Jamaica is great for vacations by the beach, but the heart surgery in Jamaica is not what is is here in the good old USA! Maybe after OBAMACARE for a few years we will be flying to Jamaica for vacations and heart surgery!

Great stories! The locker room is where I have learned a lot over the years!

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