Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cardiac Rehab Report

Today I reported back to the cardiac rehab nurses about my cardiologist appointment. The communication between rehab & the Heart Group doctors has be very good. We discussed the medications, the blood tests, and expectations for future doctor visits.

On the down side, I had a few PVC's today at rehab. On Monday my heart rate was up around 105 and I seemed to be fine. But today, at a heart rate of 100-105 I was having more PVC's and some bigeminy(an extra beat every other heart beat). Do not know why, but this is the frustrating part of PVC's. The good news is I did not have any runs of 3-4 in a row. I guess I just have to accept the possibility of good & bad days for the next for months. And the other factor, anxiety, not letting myself get upset when I see a couple extra beats on the heart monitor.

I will be trying to get a few more rehab days before I start back to work. The nurses are trying to schedule a couple extra Tuesday & Thursday sessions. The goal is still 36 sessions before I graduate! Today was #19.

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