Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Discussion of PVC's

There are many great websites for heart issues, but this one has some interesting dialog about living with PVC's.  The discussion is at:  MedHelp - PAC's, PVC's, & the Pulse

The discussions pertaining to people with PVC's vary in age of the person, to the feeling they have when a PVC occurs, and the way the doctors are trying to treat the PVC.  One thing I did notice was the frustration.  My frustration is two-fold - I cannot extra size the way I want to & the doctor's plans do not fit my time schedule - HURRY & FIX IT!

The best way to describe mine is it is like driving your car with bad gas - going up hill or accerleration you feel a sputter.  That is what I feel when I walk up hills or exercise at a heart rate of 95-105.  Take a look at the discussions, below are some exerts:

Patient #1 - I am a 38 year old female.  I was just diagnosed with PVC's.  I am really worried about this condition and have no information on it at all.  I was admitted into the ER last weekend and the doctor did not seem to be concerned at all.  These beats make me feel light headed and it feels as though my heart is turning over in my chest.  I am also having 5 to 8/minute.  I am becoming depressed and it is really effecting my quality of life.  

Patient #2 - I have had PACs and PVCs for many years but they increased in intensity the last few years.  I am 43. I've also had moments of light-headedness as well as a tight feeling in the chest, radiating up to my throat.  My doctors tell me over and over again that I am OK.  I have had bouts of depression also and the extra beats used to really mess up my life.  I'm starting to learn how to live with them.  In time, you will too. Usually after a period of time, the extra beats decrease in frequency, and you'll stop worrying about them

Patient #3 - I have had PVC's since I was about 13 years old. This year I turned 45 and they have really got bad. They distrubt your life and nobody understands the strain it puts you in. I have had to go home from work several times. It probably is the most unnearving thing I have ever had. I went to the Dr. this week because I knew I was going to die. He gave me a stress test and the beats started after I surpassed 100 beats per minute. When I got up around 145 about every other beat was PVC's. I thought I was going to die on the treadmill. The Dr. came in and read the EKG and listened to my heart.(I went 5 years ago for a treadmill)
He again told me the PVC's were non life threatening. He asked me if they really bothered me. I about croaked and told him they were driving me nuts and I was starting to get depressed. He suggested I try a low dose of ATENOLOL (a BEATA BLOCKER) and see if that helped. So far I have been a different person. It slows your heart down a little but the episodes have really decreased. When I do have them now they seem to be easier and my heart don't feel as if it is trying to jump out of my chest. I just want to say that I found this site about a month ago and I have been helped by knowing that other people were having the same problem as me. For a while I thought I was the only one that had this problem. Doctors do seem to be surprised when you tell them how much this condition affects your everyday life. I really sympathise with people who have PVC's or PAC's. In my case my family thought I was nuts, my employer, and especially my wife.
People who never have had this condition cannot give you any sympathy. If anyone wants to ask any questions please email me at  ***@**** I would be glad to answer any questions and give you an update on how the medecine is helping me. Thanks for listening.

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