Thursday, April 7, 2011

One Week Back at Work

Today was the first full week back at work.  If it wasn't for my persistent PVC's, work after open heart would not be too bad.  I would say with most people, going back after 2-3 months would be possible.  Any jobs that would demand heavy lifting or physical labor may take up to 6 months to be back and tackle those type of jobs.

The schedule is critical!  I'm trying very hard (and it is NOT easy) to do too many hours.  As I said in an earlier post, my 12 hour days were probably part of my problem.  It leads to poor eating habits, poor exercise habits, and not enough down time!  I'm trying very hard to take a day or two a week and cut back my work hours.  Luckily, I am sharing a coaching position, so I can rest & do what I need to do for myself.

So, I need to watch the hours, eat properly, and continue my exercise routine!!!!

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