Saturday, May 7, 2011

Cardiac Recovery and Saturday and Coaching

Recovering from cardiac rehab is a journey back to your previous world.  That world for me for the past 35 years has been education.  For the past 35 years starting with math teaching, then computer applications, then supporting technology in the classroom, my world has never been boring!  The same is true from that time of the day after school, from 3-6 PM!  Coaching has been there from the beginning, football, basketball, baseball & track & field.  High school athletes to 8 year old baseball players that do not know first base from third base!  Today, as many Saturdays, the entire day was spent at a track & field meet.  Waking at 6 AM, riding that lovely school bus, carrying the bag of poles for pole vaulting, setting up tents for athletes to escape the sun & rain, coaching the kids (in this case the girls first pace in the pole vault & the boys third place, and taking everything back at the end of the day!  At lot of time & energy into something that I have always loved - sports & competition!

One test of the new heart is the strength to make it through the day.  So far I passed.  Another is the stress of competition, I thrive on this!  Taking a young athlete to another level!(This year, once again, I have great kids!)  I am tired, but it is a nice kind of tired.  I try to pack good snacks & drinks, so I eat right and get plenty of rest(this is the more difficult part).

So far, I think I am maintaining a good balance.  The new element is preparing for retirement.  This means more meetings and big decisions(more stress).  So, what is the balance, school work, coaching, household chores, retirement plans, eating right, & relaxing when possible.  Three more weeks of coaching, 5 more weeks of school, then retirement and hopefully some down time!  Oh, and I forgot, more tests in June for the new heart & especially the PVC's!

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