Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Open Heart Surgery - The Good, the Bad & the Ugly (Continued)

Been a few days since my last blog - been very busy.  School, coaching, yard work, etc,,,,,,  Keeping a blog is now much harder to do! 

Today is another big day toward retirement.  I have my "exit counseling" session with PSEA.  This is to be sure all the paper work is ready to go and the monthly retirement income is set & the investing of money is set up correctly! (This is probably part of the PVC issues!) 

So, today I took a personal day, chopped down some of our ugly tree in the front yard and get ready to go to my meeting!  I guess my cardiac rehab is progressing because I used a chain saw to chop off all the broken limbs from the winter snows!

Also, today I have my final cardiac rehab!

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