Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Starting Week Two of Imdur

The science experiment continues.  I am starting my second week of 30 mg of Imdur and the reduced Metoprolol of 50 mg.  Here is my data:

6:40 AM - took Imdur on empty stomach
7:20 AM - had my oatmeal & other meds

7:40 AM - started my walk (HR at 77)
Got HR to 104 with no PVC's on my heart rate monitor.  I could have had some, but the monitor did not go whacky & did not feel like I had a lot of PVC's.
8:17 AM finished walk
I also lifted weights & did my situps & pushups.
Headache started around 11 AM & finished around 2:30 PM.  The headache was not very severe.

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