Sunday, June 26, 2011

Still Working on New Med - Imdur

I'm still trying to find a way to get past the headaches while using the new medicine - Imdur.  Today I took the drug at 6:30 AM.  I took the 30 mg pill on an empty stomach with 4 ounces of water as they suggest.  Here were the results:

6:30 AM - took Imdur
7:30 AM - ate breakfast - 3 pancakes & glass of OJ
7:45 AM to 8:20 walked - had no noticeable PVC's - got heart rate to 93
9:30 AM left for church
12:00 Noon home from church
12:10 - Headache started to become more severe
12:20 - Had lunch
4:15 Headache was gone

So, the headache lasted about 4 hours & I took two Advil around 2:30 PM.

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