Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ben's Friends - A Great Support Group Idea!

One of the goals of my blog was to help others that were going through Open Heart Surgery.  In less then one year I have had the chance to communicate with complete strangers as they go through heart issues or support others that had open heart surgery.  Today I stumbled on this support group:

Ben's Friends located at

This support group was started by Ben who had a stroke caused by AVM.  Originally, Ben started the website to support the rare disease of AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation) a brain disorder.  And the site grew to help people that suffer from many rare diseases.

My disease is very common & there are many support groups in many communities.  But, some diseases are very rare & support is difficult.  As I have discussed in my blog, my "zipper club" buddies (like Engleman & Shuman) have been an awesome support group. 

So, if you know someone that may suffer from a rare disease & needs support have a look at the website: Ben's Friends at!

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