Saturday, August 20, 2011

Retirement, Medical Issues, & New Life Style

This week things feel different!  School starts next week for teachers, students are back the following week, Friday night football games, cheerleaders, band playing, and the cooler nights are starting!  This has been my rhythm for over 51 of my 58 years here on earth!  That rhythm changes this week!  So, what does the new rhythm look like?

The first week of school I will buy coffee for my old secretaries that took care of me the past few years!  I will have lunch with some of my "tech"buddies at school!  I will go to Friday night football games!  But, continue my new life, cooking & cleaning for my wife, working part time on jobs I choose to do, volunteer at my church, and oh yes, continue to work on this new heart!  Instead of testing students, I will be the one being tested again in September - another stress test, blood work, heart monitor, and see what my next step will be on my continued work to a healthy heart!

Another school year, but from a new angle!  The learning never stops!  Especially when it comes to learning about yourself!

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