Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Workouts Progressing

After eight months the recovery from heart surgery is progressing, except for my friends the PVC's.  And, as I have said in earlier blogs I could probably live the rest of my life with the PVC's.  Here is what I did today:

Morning Walk:
Started with a heart rate of 71 and walked for 63 minutes (that is a summer high)!  The heart rate was averaging around 85-90, with the uphill pushed up to around 98.  Finished with a heart rate of 83 and after a 5 minute warm down the heart rate was at 77.  I did not notice any PVC's  on my monitor and felt good after the workout.  The temperature at 7-8 AM was in the 70-72 range, so it was VERY comfortable!

Today was also a house cleaning day (my wife loves this part)  This workout was cleaning & vacuuming floors, along with dishes & a few loads of wash.  The heart rate gets to the mid 90's and does not seem to be a problem (I would NEVER lie to my wife about this one!)

So, walking, normal housework, yard work, mowing, and golfing are all progressing!  The only thing that I would like to do is ride bike & jog.  I am keeping the last two exercises very easy & short.  Again, the heart rate goal for someone my age is 139 (AND THAT IS WITHOUT MEDS)

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