Thursday, September 29, 2011

Albright Report Card after Open Heart

It is time to grade my progress after 9 months of a life changing event - Open Heart Surgery.  Here are some categories that I found at: Cleveland Clinic - Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery  Remember the Cleveland Clinic Website is one of my favorites!  And the Cleveland Clinic is ranked as the top Heart Hospitals in the country!

Importance of Making Lifestyle Changes

Coronary artery bypass graft surgery increases the blood supply to your heart, but it does not cure coronary artery disease. You will still need to decrease your risk factors by making lifestyle changes, taking medications as prescribed and following your doctor’s recommendations to prevention future disease.  Lifestyle changes include:
  • Quitting smoking  Easy - (Never started!)  Grade A+
  • Treating high cholesterol - (My reading are down to the 130-170 range in the last 3 blood tests)  Grade - A-
  • Managing high blood pressure and diabetes (Never had high blood pressure or diabetes) Grade A+
  • Exercising regularly - I would say I have average 5 of 7 days a week for the past 40 weeks - Grade A-
  • Maintaining a healthy weight - Have lost about 15 pounds, need to go about 10 more  Grade B-
  • Eating a heart-healthy diet - Have changed my diet, but need to stay focused!  Grade B-
  • Controlling stress and anger - Stress is better since I retired and my anger is never an issue - SO STOP ASKING!! Grade B+
  • Taking prescribed medications as directed - I have stayed on all meds since surgery!!!  Grade A+
  • Participating in a cardiac rehabilitation program, as recommended - Did my Rehab Program  Grade A
  • Following up with your doctor for regular visits - Have attended all my doctor appointments!  Grade A+

FINAL GRADE B+  Need to avoid sweets, eat more fruit & veggies, try exercise more intensely (PVC's are holding me back!!!)

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